Thursday, January 15, 2009

"So Help Me God" removed from oath?

A group of "non-theists" led by well known Atheist Michael Newdow tried to have "So help me God" removed from the oath of office that will be recited by Barack Obama on Inaugeration Day. The filed lawsuit, however, did not go too far. U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton rejected the call for preventing the ministers from praying or Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts from administering the oath with God in the wording. Obama also indicated he wanted that part of the oath included.

Jay Seculow, The American Center of Law and Justice Chief Counsel, said of the case, "This is once again a flawed attempt to purge all religious references and observances from American public life. The fact is that this country has a long history of invoking God at inaugural events. Such references are not only appropriate but constitutional as well. This legal challenge is clearly misplaced. . ."

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