Friday, June 19, 2009

Cultural Warfare and Earthly Entanglements

"Culture" in the terms of the American Culture, can be viewed in many ways. The American Culture can be a number of things, be they unique, or combined with other aspects of life. Our culture may be portrayed by the way people dress, the way they eat, language, religion, political persuasion, social issues, architecture, or a wide range of other perceptions. Our lives are lived within culture, and there is no escaping it, no matter what we do.

We live in the world, but that does not mean we have to live "of" the world.

American Culture has deteriorated drastically, and the proponents of a relativistic, or pluralistic, society uses smoke-screen propaganda, making it look like they are looking our for the common good, or your civil liberties, when in the long-run the radicalism of leftist cultural warfare is about secularizing the American society to the point that any reference to God is eliminated.

To achieve their goal they must provide enough earthly entanglements to dismantle the family, and encourage people to allow the nation to provide them their decent standard of living, rather than encourage individuals to be personally responsible. It is government's job to protect the citizenry, and provide the opportunity for a better environment and broader prosperity. We should have the freedom to fail, as much as we should have the freedom to succeed. After all, success is best achieved after the lessons of failure are experienced.

A strong, central government is not capable of ensuring we all have fulfilled lives, or making everything fair. When government begins to provide from cradle to grave, choices of the individual are limited, and bureaucrats begin to micro-manage our lives.

The secular society envisions a world where the rich must have their income redistributed so that those who failed, or find themselves stuck in the mud of poverty, can enjoy the success of the successful as well. In the eyes of the secular progressives, private property belongs to the state, and there should be no judgments whatsoever on personal behavior (as long as that behavior is not religious). If you don't hate Republican Presidents, or adore to the point of losing all objectivity Democrat Presidents, you are an enemy of the liberal left. They are indoctrinating our youth, and the GOP and conservative talkers are more preoccupied with the politics that graces the news pages, rather than recognizing the wider struggle between traditionalism and secular liberal leftism.

The rules of the oppressors are simple. Make no judgments regarding personal behavior, unless that behavior is somehow associated with God. Behavior associated with the worship of God, specifically the Christian God, is fair game for persecution. Anyone engaging in any personal behavior of any kind, regardless of its acceptability in a moral society, is not only allowed to portray such behavior in public, but is encouraged to do so, while preaching that such behavior is normal. However, any behavior that worships or acknowledges God in the Public Square must be eliminated, because such activities can be offensive to those who are trying to justify the normalcy of the activities that have not been acceptable in the past. You may pursue success, but be prepared to be penalized for that success through progressive taxation so that your earnings may be redistributed to people who have done nothing to deserve it. The Family Unit, to the secular liberal, is bad, and must be compromised by encouraging the abortion of the unborn, and homosexual activity. Killing is moral if it is the old or broken (euthanasia), or innocent unborn children (abortion). However, murderous madmen imprisoned for heinous crimes against humanity have a right to life, and in the case of confessed terrorists who have killed, or desire to kill, American citizens or soldiers, must be released and treated with kid gloves. The world must be without borders, and laws may be suspended to allow the free movement of any human being on Earth, even if it places economies and job markets in jeopardy. After all, it is up to the Government to provide prosperity for all, and since we are "one" people, a global governing body must be ushered in to ensure the entire world is fairly and equally miserable.

As a result of the leftist agenda, the U.S. Constitution has been perverted (especially when it comes to the mythical claim of "Separation of Church and State"), which is being used to remove virtually all things religious from public life, despite the fact that our nation's founding principles were based upon Judeo-Christian values. In fact, if you read the First Amendment carefully, it is careful to state that the free exercise of religion shall not be prohibited. This is because the public expression of faith is one of the very freedoms most cherished by our Founding Fathers. They believed that the exercise of religion must remain unpunished, and unrestrained by government.

But why would a secular leftist agenda desire to silence, and remove, religion from society?

The obvious answers are that the morality prescribed by God looks down upon the leftist desire to allow girls of any age to be able to obtain abortions, looks down upon the euthanasia movement, rejects legalizing narcotics, considers homosexuality a sin, and is not accepting of a whole host of other social issues. But ultimately, the reason for the leftist agenda trying to silence religion is because a strong, centralized government must be all things to all people. Government must be the sole provider of all things, and such a socialist system cannot tolerate competition. People daring to worship a God more than government stand in the way of the utopian society that "statists" desire achieving. Therefore, God must be eliminated.

And one way to compromise God's hold on the religious is to create Earthly entanglements to enable the faithful to stumble. Then, discredit God by painting Him as a punitive being (you sin, and it's off to Hell with you), rather than the beneficent being He is as a being wanting to help people.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

By Douglas V. Gibbs

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