Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Obama to Hollywood Liberals: You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet!

In Los Angeles, President Obama felt at home with the elitists of Hollywood. He stood up on stage explaining to them his accomplishments (a.k.a. implimentation of policies that is dooming this nation), and finished with, "You ain't seen nothing yet!"

And the crowd of rich, elitist, liberal, snobby, Hollywood freaks cheered madly.

Question: Why were they cheering?

Obama has begun to change of the form of American Government to something much like what Communist Russia discovered doesn't work. Obama has demonized the previous administration by accusing them of bringing about the worst economic times since the Great Depression, when we prospered for most of the eight years of Bush's Administration, and the housing collapse occurred as a result of the liberal practice of encouraging sales of homes to people who can't afford them because "everybody has a right to a home." Obama's government spending surpasses all deficit spending by all presidents in history, combined. Obama has weakened the dollar to the point that its deterioration in value will result in runaway inflation and sky-rocketing interest rates. Obama has proposed an energy policy that even he admits will increase the cost of energy, and in the long run, will cause the increase in the price of goods and services across the board. Obama has expanded the public sector while nationalizing the private sector (Government, for example, now owns 60% of GM). Obama is pushing through socialized medicine, which will destroy the private health care system, enable the government to ration health services, will destroy the quality of care in America, and will increase taxes to the extreme in order to pay for the doomed to fail program. He signed the Ledbetter Act, which was actually a bailout for trial lawyers, and enables discrimination lawsuits to proceed long after the alleged discrimination took place. He removed the ban on Embryonic Stem Cell Research, putting the government back into the business of funding death, and pouring money into a program that has shown no advancements, while adult stem cell research is showing a number of promising possibilities. Obama has created a program to bail out dead-beats who took mortgages they couldn't afford, and expects the responsible people to pay for it in higher rates and taxes. Obama has taken control of the credit card industry because he believes the companies are predatory, when it is really about irresponsible people mismanaging their credit card accounts - and Obama's actions will cause the credit card companies to adjust their fee schedules to make the responsible card holders pay for what they are losing when the government bails out the folks that are irresponsible. Obama has expanded the children's health insurance program, which is much like the one in Hawaii that failed after only seven months (watch an increase in taxes for that one too) - and the program includes healthcare for the children of illegal aliens, meaning that by breaking the law, these people will now be even more rewarded with taxpayers money - a pool of money they have not contributed to, and do not deserve a single dime out of. Obama has nationalized the auto industry, and given more control to the labor unions, which is one of the primary components in the failure of the industry (government regulations is another factor in the failure of the industry). Obama has created a National Fuel Efficiency Standard which will result in smaller cars made of less crash resistant material - which means the blood of thousands of lives that perish in accidents due to less crash worthy vehicles on the road as a result of his policies will be on his hands. Obama has nominated a racist judge that does not understand the U.S. Constitution, and is a militant liberal, to the Supreme Court.

And the Hollywood liberals cheered when he said, "you ain't seen nothing yet."

You mean the spending is going to increase? Obama is going to weaken the dollar even more? He is going to cause the economy to tank even worse? You mean he plans to nationalize more of the private sector? He is going to take away more choices for Americans, therefore killing even more of our liberty? You mean he plans to find more taxes and fees to hammer us with? He's going to bring more militant liberals and racists into his government mish-mash of crazies? You mean, it is going to get worse?

And these idiots at this Hollywood dinner cheered for that?

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Obama Tells Crowd at Hollywood Dinner: ‘You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet’ - Breitbart TV

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