Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Why Are You Protecting The Wolf At The Door?

By Andrea Shea King

Dear friend and fellow American,

You know, I read all the complaints and concerns and worries and reactions you have to Obama's aggressive overtake of our government, our economy and major capitalist systems, his antagonistic attitude toward our military, and his attack on Americans who dare to say the truth, carry guns, and believe in God.

I read your furiously typed posts railing about the travesty he visits on our Constitution, our rights.

I read the work you are doing to keep your readers abreast about the Jihad, and its cancerous growth that is spreading ever closer to our homes; and Congress' latest violation of our Constitutional principles.

You write in horrified tones about the growing list of names on Obama's enemies list, and how the Left destroys Joe the Plumber and Sarah Palin, et al when they dare to speak out.

You turn a fine phrase about Obama's attacks and his demolition of the institutions we have relied upon since our founding: our election process, to name a very important one.

The Lord God Obama and the Progressive Left have targeted private individuals . . .

Read the rest on Radio Patriot

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