Monday, July 20, 2009

Nation of Winners

America is a nation of winners, despite the federal government, not because of it. - Douglas V. Gibbs

"Why Winners Win," an article by Rich Tucker, got my mind thinking simply by its title. I am an advocate for personal responsibility. I believe that America is great because the Founding Father's had the wisdom to create a system that allows its citizens to keep most of what they earn, and while they were at it, the Founding Fathers were adamant about protecting private property.

Nobody can run my life better than I. My successes, as well as my failures, should belong to me.

There is a belief that success is not the result of personal decisions, hard work, and a little luck along the way. Statists would have you believe that without the community, and the government, you would be destined to land straight in the gutter. As for the truly fortunate, the people who reach the highest echelon of success, as far as the statist is concerned, those people could only have acheived their lofty position in life through ruthless greed and predatory activities.

Except those that support the Liberal Agenda - those folks are all right by the Democratic Leadership.

Winners win not because of the helping hands along the way, although those associations are important. If the individual did not strive for success - if the individual was not willing to rise above the rest - they would not become an acheiver.

Human nature dictates that the status quo is not good enough. Some people desire more, and they should have the freedom to pursue such an opportunity. Should these risk takers achieve, then it should be theirs to keep. Success should not be something punished because others along the way failed.

There are successes and there are failures. Those that fail have the opportunity to try again. All of the achievers are former failures. Success is reached after numerous failures, and a driving desire to keep trying until success is achieved.

Today's federal government wishes to stifle this. Personal responsibility must be punished for not being willing to feel guilty for the losers left behind. Poverty must be nursed, and those not in poverty must pay for it.

Liberals would say that conservatives do not care about the poor because we do not support entitlement programs. Conservatives, however, do care. We practice tough love. Rather than give the downtrodden an excuse for remaining at the bottom, we wish to give them the incentive, and the opportunity, to stick their neck out and succeed. Providing for their every need through entitlement programs does not accomplish that. All it does is teach them to remain dependent upon the state.

Winners win because they do not desire to lose. Losers lose because they have been given an opportunity to depend on the government, rather than try again.

The federal government encourages failure, and then blames the Right on failing to feel sorry for the failed. What a vicious deception.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

By Douglas V. Gibbs

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