Saturday, August 08, 2009

Townhall Protests, A President Inciting Violence, and National Guard Internment Camps

Be it shutting down a child's lemonade stand in Tulare, California, or the thuggish tactics of the Obama supporters and Administration against anyone who dare opposes Barack Obama, government control of the people is out of control. Specifically, freedom of speech granted by the First Amendment is in serious jeopardy. Tonight, Loki and I explore Obama's announcement that Republicans should shut up and get out of the way, and his announcement that "We will push back double," to the protests by grass roots Americans at the Tea Parties and Townhall Meetings, and how the Left is fighting back.

Fascist tactics?

Tune in tonight live at 5:00 PM Pacific, 8:00 PM Eastern to hear what Loki and I have to say about all of this, and how the U.S. Constitution is being violated in the process. Join us live, or by archive later, at

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