Thursday, September 17, 2009

Democratic Party's Culture of Corruption: ACORN Closes Operations

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The art of any propagandist and agitator consists in his ability to find the best means of influencing any given audience, by presenting a definite truth, in such a way as to make it most convincing, most easy to digest, most graphic, and most strongly impressive. ~ Lenin, The Slogans and Organisation of Social-Democratic Work (1919)

If the Democratic Party had half the fear driven into it that ACORN does, it would cease to be a political party right now before the whirlwind of extremism completes its transformative flight through the ranks of the now radically leftist political party. Fascism has reared its ugly head in the ranks of the Party of the Jackass, and America is recognizing the Left's folly for what it is: A Lust for Power, and a desire to turn this country into a socialist haven for Marxists. Just a few more scandals, and a few more slips of the tongue, and the Democratic Party will cross the threshold of no return, prancing down the road to self-destruction, and total ruin.

The sleeping giant has been awakened, and the once silent majority of Americans who are largely conservative, do not take kindly to the leftist attempt to hijack our nation, and turn it into something it was never intended to be.

Liberty is fighting back, and the rise of tyranny is being beat down by a bunch of grass roots, tea party-goin', Town Hall-shaking Americans.

You, the American People, have spoken, and the truth is scaring the hell out of the Left.

Obama has preached from day one how he is a community organizer.

Saul Alinsky was a community organizer, too. Obama, it seems, was a student of Alinsky's. Barry's playbook looks like an adaption of "Rules For Radicals," Alinsky's Marxist Manual on how to take over America. Saul Alinsky fittingly hailed out of Chicago, and has been called by Arianna Huffington the "great community organizer."

As a community organizer, the organization Obama felt his closest ties to, practically proclaiming an allegiance to, was highly involved in the election of Obama (mostly through fraudulent means), and has received millions in federal money (a.k.a. YOUR money, fellow taxpayer), is an organization called the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), fittingly headquartered in New Orleans.

And now, as the truth about ACORN is exposed to the point that even the leftist media has to take notice, ACORN has ceased its operations.

Amidst ACORN’s attempts at providing legal counsel to a "prostitution ring," ACORN has decided to suspend its operations due to "indefensible" behavior by employees at chapters around the United States. The indefensible behavior of voter fraud wasn't enough, but when Pimps and Hoes start making their rounds, that was enough to shut them down.

Under investigation in many states, ACORN sees this as a temporary setback. They are performing their own in-house investigations as well (led by Obama lacky Podesta), claiming that the illegal activity is only the result of the actions of a "handful of employees."

Inappropriate behavior couldn't possibly be the order of the day for ACORN - as long as they can't see the forest through the trees.

ACORN began receiving millions of dollars, granted by the U.S. Senate, in 1989. Recently, those funds have been cut off.

The U.S. Census Bureau, now totally under White House control, also severed its ties with ACORN.

Hmmm, now that the White House has lost all of those bodies to do the job of taking the census, and asking more questions than constitutionally allowed, maybe Obama will have to finish compiling his National Civilian Army to do the task. You know, that grouping of young people encouraged to voluntarily serve a mandatory sentence of servitude to Obama (and his leftist gang of idiots) through national service?

Also, like most of Obama's supporting cast, ACORN was also having problems with paying back taxes. Imagine that.

Remember, the Democrats demand that the wealthy pay more taxes, even though they aren't willing to pay taxes themselves.

Just because ACORN has suspended activities, it doesn't mean they are dead yet. The liberal allies from special interests deeply invested in the Democratic Party that are currently conducting an investigation (Podesta, SEIU, etc.) will surely clear ACORN of their criminal activities, and get them on their feet again to serve Obama in no time - Unless we stay vigilant, and continue to expose these lying crooks for what they really are. . . and why stop with ACORN? The SEIU should be in our cross-hairs too, and eventually, the Democratic Party itself.

The party of the wayward donkey is full of corruption, and things are beginning to unravel for the Democrats. As they get nervous, they are beginning to show their hand of jokers. It is simply up to us to reveal the sickening truth about what kind of massive corruption the Left is really all about.

United We Stand, Combined We Kick Butt!

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

BREAKING NEWS: ACORN Halts Operations - Healthcare Horserace

Obama in Disarray, Media in Panic - Rush Limbaugh

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