Wednesday, September 02, 2009

They Know Not What They Do

By Douglas V. Gibbs

When Christians say that they "Pray for their enemies," it doesn't mean they should pray for the agenda of the opposition.

Interestingly enough, those that are in opposition of the "Religious Right" proclaims that those conservative Christians are "hatemongers."

Hate may be an emotion that the Left feels toward Conservatives of the Christian Faith, but that does not mean that Christians hate these hateful people as well.

In fact, to the surprise of these people, we pray for them, and understand that in truth, they are not the enemy. Leftists are simply mindless tools, and they know not what they do.

I don't believe there is some organized effort to make America a totalitarian state, or to bring about a New World Order, any more than I believe that humanity is capable of such things on their own. The push in that direction is an effort they don't even realize they are a part of. These people on the left, I believe, truly do think what they are doing is best for society, their country, and humanity. It is this attitude that lends them to join together in a move toward a totalitarian state and a globally governed society, whether they realize it or not.

I do believe that the Left is unable to recognize true evil. They see everything as some big misunderstanding. Bullies are misunderstood, and terrorists attack Israel because the Jews and the United States did something to upset them. In the liberal world those that oppose their agenda just simply don't understand it, and must be simple-minded people who need all the more to be coddled by the government.

The Left may have many motivations to support such an enslaving political agenda that includes their hopes to justify their lifestyles, too. Yet they don't understand that their "motivations" are the very things they will lose should such a government entity rise up and take control of America, and the world. After all, when a government entity takes control for the good of the community, traits that do not contribute to the common good will become unacceptable.

The agenda is called liberalism, leftism, statism, socialism, communism, Marxism, and a number of other labels. Ultimately, it is a blend of two -isms: Utopianism and Collectivism.

After Jesus Christ was beat to a bloody pulp by wicked, and ignorant people, he prayed for those people to the Father while dying on the cross. He stated that those same people "know not what they are doing." (Luke 23:34)

Spiritually blind and deceived by principalities, powers, and the rulers of the darkness, they say and do things they would never say and do if they knew the ramifications of their actions in eternity.

Political systems are a reflection of the faith of the people. If the people are wretched, the state will be wretched. If the foundation is man-centered, then the laws of man will belong to them, and eventually destroy the society. If the people are God-fearing, adhering to Biblical standards, then the society will be much like America has been.

The founding fathers in no way wanted a theocracy, and I am in no way suggesting that is what we should have. Theocracies tend to be more controlling, and farther to the political left, than even an atheistic totalitarian state. Using religion as a political tool creates a fervor among the people that can become dangerous. A great example of religion being intertwined with political leftism like that is Islam.

Being a man of faith, however, and ensuring that a good life filled with Biblical standards as a guide to making sound political decisions, is not using religion to control politics. The men that forged this nation did not wish for government to establish a religion because it is not for government to dictate what a man can worship. But they did expect for the leaders of this nation to be deeply religious men of standards, moral grounding, and Christian upbringing. If you learn about the signers of the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution, you not only learn that the majority of these men were God-fearing, but also that many were actually clergy in their churches.

This is not to say that non-Christians would be rejected. Ben Franklin was hardly a man of faith, but his contributions to the founding of this nation are legend. He, however, respected the faith of the men around him, and understood the importance that this nation remain in God's camp, and be founded on Christian-Judeo principles.

This nation was expected to follow God by ensuring liberty for all. Freedom comes with responsibility, however. The founders did not wish for the government of this nation to be so far to the right that anarchy ensued. This is why the Articles of Confederation turned out to be unacceptable, and needed to be changed. In the attempt to limit the Federal Government, the founding fathers so limited the federal government that it had little ability to protect the states, and to quell squabbles between the states. For this reason, the U.S. Constitution was written. The Constitution was designed to limit the powers of the federal government, while giving it enough power to hold together the Union.

God gives mankind free will to do whatever he wishes, but warns that if those actions are disobedient to His standards, serious consequences may be the result. The liberty this nation offers is very similar, and not coincidentally. This is a nation of laws, and to break those laws carries consequences. These laws are not designed to limit freedom, but are designed to protect the populace, and deliver justice as necessary.

Some things, however, were not restricted by laws because the ability to flex one's individualism was important to the founding fathers. The citizen was responsible for his own welfare, though the government would provide for the general welfare (such as protecting the nation from all enemies, foreign and domestic). After all, the Declaration of Independence did spell out that our rights are inalienable, given to us by God, and it was for those rights of individualism we fought the Revolutionary War.

The idea was for the citizen to keep more of what he worked for, or produced. A free market without government control would be the system of economics. The capitalistic system would give everyone the opportunity to pursue happiness. The wealth, health, and retirement of the citizen was entirely in his hands. If he fell short, it was on his shoulders. Of course family and friends participated in helping each other out when some members of society fell behind, but it was not for government to get involved in any way.

Collectivism and Utopianism was what had ruined Europe, and America wanted nothing to do with that.

Evil men cannot produce a good society, and a strong central government cannot provide the choices necessary to breed liberty. Your rights are yours to exercise and protect.

Now, we see the Utopian/Collectivism of the Liberal Leftist Democrats at work in America. They claim to be about freedom, and for the preservation of America, yet tell us they plan to "change" America by increasing the power of the central government. How is it freedom when suddenly the government begins to tell you they will "let" you keep your health insurance, or that if you are "religious" your opinion means nothing, or that if your preacher dare says anything about political opinion the church will be punished by the government by the church being stripped of its tax exempt status?

With freedom comes responsibility - but how can I be responsible with my freedoms if they are being taken away?

But I don't hate these people for it. They have been deceived, and they know not what they do.

And I choose not to become dependent upon the government, nor accept the leftist belief that people are unable to be personally responsible for their lives.

Our nation is on a slippery slope, and has been for a long time. With this latest push of Leftism, however, comes an increase in corruption, moral decay, and a steady move away from the things that made this nation great.

As Ronald Reagan once said, "If we ever forget that we are one nation nder God, then we will be a nation gone under."

Pray for this nation, pray for the Left, and be active in the political debate.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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