Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Obama's Copenhagen Climate Change Retreat

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The Associated Press has proclaimed that Barack Obama is retreating from the "importance" of the upcoming Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen that is planned to take place in December. The worldwide global warming treaty that is anticipated by the globalists to take place at that time is looking less and less like a reality, it seems. The final nails in the coffin were apparently driven into place when President Obama, and a few other socialist world leaders, verbalized that the creation of a treaty is "unrealistic" at this time, especially considering the fact that the United States hasn't even been able to pass the ever-dangerous Cap and Trade legislation themselves. This comes not too long after Gordon Brown of Britain had proclaimed that the Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen is Earth's last chance, but nonetheless, the big treaty will have to wait. . .

But don't you believe it!

The hopes of the world's leftists are that next year in Mexico City they will be able to hammer out a treaty that will work for the worldwide community, and enslave the final vestiges of liberty.

If the Climate Change Treaty really is suffering, and being delayed, once must ask "why?" Could it be that the redistribution of wealth from the richer nations to the poorer developing nations that is planned by the treaty writers is causing distrust among the participants? Could it be that a team of scientists sending a letter to the U.S. Senate claiming that the "consensus" in the scientific community is a lie (the Left lies about everything else, why not the so-called "consensus" too?), has the globalists a little skittish about proceeding? Could the retreat be partially due to the fact that the evidence is mounting that global warming is a hysteria fueled hoax, and therefore making the worldwide leaders pushing a climate change agenda obvious liars?

Whatever the cause of the slowdown, it is not enough. Any international treaty regarding global warming needs to be stopped cold, because the intent is to place in the hands of an international governing body the reins of a nation's energy usage, manufacturing, and ultimately compromising a nation's sovereignty.

The truth is that man-made global warming doesn't exist. The warming and cooling trends of the planet are a natural phenomenon. The increase of carbon levels do not cause warming trends, but instead warming trends cause carbon levels to increase.
Therefore, carbon emissions do not cause global warming.

As for the human contribution of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, our measly less-than-one-percent addition is too small to have any effect, anyway.

As with all other leftist policies and beliefs, human caused global warming ranks among the greatest deceptions in the history of science. Time is being wasted and money is being foolishly poured into an unnecessary fear and hysteria that has no scientific justification. The driving force, in fact, behind Climate Change has nothing to do with the environment, but is really all about power and corruption.

And don't forget, these are the same people during the hippie period of the early 1970s that were claiming global cooling was the biggest threat, and a fact.

The next Ice Age, they claimed, was coming, and it was all man's fault.

The Earth was cooling during that time period, just as it warmed for a short period recently. But the changes in climate fall within natural explanations that revolve around changes in the sun.

As for Obama's retreat from a Climate Change Treaty? Take it with a grain of salt. These globalists are simply regrouping because they realize the cat is out of the bag, and their hoax has been exposed. They will use specially chosen language to change the truth, and try again - because their global agenda is at the top of their agenda list, and they will force you into it with any deception they can - unless we continue to speak up, question, and demand government to serve the people, rather than enslave the people.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Obama retreats on climate change - Denver Post

Copenhagen climate change talks are last chance, says Gordon Brown - The Guardian U.K.

Global Warming: The Cold, Hard Facts? - Canada Free Press

'Consensus' on Climate Change Is 'Fake,' Scientists Say - NewsMax (Scroll Down to Article #2)

Carbon Emissions Don’t Cause Global Warming - Dr. David Evans, IceCap

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