Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Obama's Treason and Democrat's Desired Economic Crisis

By Douglas V. Gibbs

"Never let a serious crisis go to waste. What I mean by that is it's an opportunity to do things you couldn't before." - White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, November 2008.

"Never waste a good crisis." - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, March 2009.

The Democrats love a good crisis. It is during a time of crisis that they receive the opportunity to put into place their policies that freedom-loving Americans would never allow otherwise. When the economic downturn began last year the Democrats were nearly beside themselves with excitement. Their eight years of demonizing Bush and the GOP received the gift of an economic crisis, and the leftists of the Democrat Party was not about to let it go to waste.

With Congress under Democrat control since 2006, and the White House occupied by a radical, hard-left, Marxist, student of Saul Alinsky, the liberals have succeeded in pushing the U.S. Economy further towards collapse, and further towards government control. Their agenda driven goal is to eliminate the private sector, and to place the U.S. economy under government-managed control.

The most amazing part of the hard-left's socialistic assault on America is that they are not taking great care in hiding their intentions, and are often blurting out their intentions, as shown in the quotes at the top of this article.

With the assistance of the biased media, who is unwilling to expose the Obama Administration, and Congressional Democrats, for the liberty-killers that they are, the American People bought into the deception, and looked right past the obvious. The propaganda machine has been relentless, even enlisting the sheep-like minds of leftist bloggers to help mount an attack against any who dare to voice dissent.

A crisis, to the leftists, is an opportunity, and in the wake of our current economic difficulties, Obama and gang are manipulating the economic crisis into a tool for transition toward their globalist goals.

Treason is defined as "the betrayal of one's country." Though not as blatant as Benedict Arnold's treason, or the treason of a former spy selling government secrets, Obama's actions of betrayal against America are no less treasonous.

Yesterday, The U.K. Telegraph linked to Political Pistachio, saying: "At least one blogger went as far as to call the president’s actions treasonous'," in reference to a post I wrote the other day. But the British site, and the liberals, miss the point that it is not only the bow alone that is treasonous. The bow to Akihito, and to the Saudi Prince earlier this year, are symptoms of the treason. Obama and the Democrats are attempting to change the American Form of Government into a socialist model not compatible with our founding principles. And their attempt to change our form of government is not only to enable the United States to become a socialist nation, but to compromise its sovereignty, and force her into a globalistic system.

His actions, including his bow, are designed to represent America's subservience to the rest of the world, and the global system taking shape. He has apologized to the world for America's exceptionalism, he has promised to disarm us, and he bows as the representative of America to monarchs as a symbol of America's submission, subservience, and servitude to the coming world order.

If that isn't betrayal of one's country, I don't know what is - making the leftists an entire collective of traitors.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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