Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Sign In Kenya

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The birthplace of Barack Obama has been questioned by a number of people now dubbed as "birthers." Barack Obama, in response, has laughed at those asking about his eligibility while sealing his records and spending millions on lawyers to ensure the "birthers" are unable to uncover any evidence that may, or may not, exist regarding his past.

President Barack Obama may have very well been born in Hawaii as he claims, but if that is so, then why is he doing all he can to hide any part of his past aside from what he has told us in his books?

Despite what Mr. Obama has told us, and the alleged existence of a Hawaii birth certificate that I believe may very well exist, though I wonder what it says in the box labeled "Name of Father," there are some people that are thoroughly convinced that Barack Obama was born in Kenya - and a great number of those people that believe he was born in Kenya. . . live in Kenya.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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