Tuesday, February 09, 2010

A Worldwide Globalist Gift To Islam

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Obama, and his leftist friends, don't get it that Islam could care less who the president is, or how much the U.S. Government appeases them. As the Islamic Jihadist says to Obama in a political cartoon: "How can I make you understand? I want to kill you, blow you up, annihilate you, your way of life, everything you stand for. . ."

The only thing that stops terrorism is strength through the military.

As I was told not too long ago on my radio program, even pulling out of the battle zones is dangerous, for as long as we are defeating Islam in their lands, they believe that Allah is not with them, and they pull back and stop fighting.

Meanwhile, as Obama appeases Islam, and emboldens the enemy, he is also embarking on a plan to unite the world through the United Nations. Some would call it a New World Order. Whatever it is, once the globalists get what they want, it won't last long if they don't defeat Islam. The caliphate will then take the global governance system and use it for themselves.

It is sort of like how the leftists are pushing their big government agenda here in America. Think about it. The liberals are pushing for the government to control our lives because the leftists trust this group of socialists in office right now to do the job in a way that the liberal constituency desires. But once you give government that much power, how do you know that the next guy, or the guy after that, is not going to take that big government control over the people and use it in ways not originally intended?

Danger always lies in eliminating choice from individuals, and giving government entities power. Be it on the national level, or global level, big government always ends in a bad way. A loss of choice is a loss of freedom. And once a centralized government gains control, what stops a movement like Jihadism from seizing control and using the system for their own means? And even if something like the Islamic Jihad doesn't gain control, what is there to stop big government, with all of that power over the people, from becoming a tyrannical system?

Something to think about.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

How Can I Make You Understand? - Sigmund, Carl and Alfred

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