Saturday, April 03, 2010

162,000 Jobs Added is Nothing to be Excited About

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The Democrats are excited. They are running around patting each other on the back because the job market created 162,000 jobs during the month of March, the most since March of 2007 (you know, back when George W. Bush was President). The unemployment rate, however, remains at 9.7 (add the real numbers and it's over 20%), and hourly wages actually went down. It is also important to note that 40,000 of those jobs gained are also temporary jobs, most of which are census workers.

President George W. Bush inherited a recession from Bill Clinton, and the nation suffered an attack on September 11, 2001. Despite all of the odds against him, Bush was able, with tax cuts, to turn the economy around, spur growth, and keep the unemployment rate around four and five percent until the final couple years of his eight years in office.

President Ronald Reagan also inherited horrid economic conditions from yet another bumbling liberal, Jimmy Carter, and in a matter of a couple years, with tax cuts, turned the economy around. We enjoyed some of the most prosperous years this nation has ever seen.

After the raging Progressive, Woodrow Wilson, pointed America towards recession, the strategies of President Harding and President Coolidge of cutting taxes, reducing spending, and drawing back on restrictions and regulations on businesses led us into the prosperous Roaring 20s.

It has been proven time and time again that limiting the authority of the federal government, and keeping tax rates down, increases productivity, consumerism, and ultimately increases the revenue that comes into the federal government's coffers. Without the growth of the private sector, and the expansion of the workforce, America's economy becomes stagnant, and eventually declines as it is now doing under the drastic expansion of government under the Obama Administration.

Every year the workforce expands by .5% because of the new people joining the workforce, and to keep up with that increase alone, the job market needs to create over 250,000 jobs per month. During Reagan's and Dubya's presidencies that number was achieved most of the time. So while the Democrats dance with joy, like the kids in Lord of the Flies did around their kill, over 162,000 jobs gained, it is important to note that the number falls sadly short of what we need to put new workers into jobs, much less do anything to the unemployment rate.

Despite this temporary gain, the unemployment rate in the construction industry is now at 27.1%, interest rates are rising, and government spending and expansion is at a breakneck speed never before seen in American history.

I don't know if the Democrats are purposely destroying America, or if they truly are so stupid that they don't recognize the damaging features of their socialistic policies. I do think, however, that they are growing government by design and that they know anytime government expands it is near impossible to shrink. The problem is that the Democrats have the foolish notion that once they get government's growth to a certain point that they can somehow halt its expansion and keep the size of the government from getting out of their control, and heading into a disastrous system of an authoritarian oligarchy.

The Founding Fathers knew that big government is a bad thing. That is why the U.S. Constitution was not written as a mechanism to give the government more power, to allow the federal government to do whatever they pleased, nor to shrink government once it grew. The Constitution was written to limit the authorities of the federal government, to prevent the federal government from becoming a centralized leviathan that serves itself and kills the liberties of individual citizens by limiting personal choices. The document was all about limiting the federal government to keep the federal government small, and to keep the states sovereign.

Americans know that big government makes the citizen smaller, and is a dream killer.

Faith in the American Dream has fallen by the wayside. There has been a significant decline in the belief that the average American can achieve the American Dream. Just since the inauguration of Barack Obama, the percentage of Americans that believe they can achieve the American Dream has dropped by 10%.

The American Dream is the hope that one may give to their children what they didn't have, to become materially successful, to reach a point in their lives beyond the limits we experience in our daily lives. The American Dream can be material success, personal fulfillment, or a combination of both and more. But, nonetheless, thanks to the disastrous policies of Obama and the Democrats, less believe that those goals are attainable.

Remember, Obama has been continuously telling us that profit is bad, achievement steals from the poor, and redistribution of wealth in a hope for economic equity is his goal.

Somewhere in the distance a drum beats. A rag-tag group of Americans with a flag waving over their shoulder is marching forward. The American Dream is under assault, but it lives. In our hearts and souls the promise of the Founding Fathers continues. A Revolution for a return to a Constitutional America has begun. Despite the dismal news, and the continuous assault on our freedoms by the Left, we are still standing.

Obama is but a storm, and the great thing about storms is though they may leave in their wake chaos and destruction, storms end. And once the storm passes, the dark clouds will part, the sunshine will shine through, and Americans will rebuild what the Democrats have destroyed.

The first break in the clouds is November, 2010, when we have the opportunity to vote in a Republican majority. But we mustn't stop there. We must continue to vote out the disease of liberalism in our land, throw them out on the lawn of Our House, and replace them with constitutionally minded servants of the people. And even then, we must hold the new politician's feet to the fire as well. Freedom belongs to the people, and must be protected by the people. Government is there to serve the people, and protect freedom. Anything less is unacceptable.

America's best days lie ahead.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

U.S. Creates 162,000 Jobs in March - Fox Business

Biggest job gain in 3 yrs pushes up interest rates - Townhall

Construction’s unemployment rate continues to rise, reaching 27.1% in February - Engineering News - Record

What American Dream? - Forbes

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