Friday, April 23, 2010

Earth Day Legacy: Green is the New Red

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The world is coming to an end, that is if we don't donate a lot of money to save the planet.

Somewhere in the jungle a group of environmentalists are sobbing because a tree has fallen to the ground. An industry is being choked out of business as green regulations make it more difficult to conduct business. And the waterline is going to jut upwards, any day now, just you wait, because Al Gore said so.

Meanwhile, somewhere on the Oregon Coast somebody is enjoying a Spotted Owl egg breakfast, fried in Exxon Oil.

Don't get me wrong. If there is gunk in the air, we ought to not spew as much in order to reduce the amount of gunk. If there is gunk in the water, we should do what we can to clean it up. The United States has sufficient clean air and clean water standards to keep our nation from dropping into the famine inflicted wasteland that environmentalists were predicting forty years ago when the first Earth Day happened, a celebration culminating coincidentally on April 22, 1970 which was the 100th birthday of dead famed Russian communist, Vladimir Lenin.

The well trained liberal will immediately proclaim that Lenin was not an environmentalist. Neither are most of the people today that consider themselves environmentalists.

Green is the new red. Through environmental regulations the government can control the behavior of their citizens while looking like they are doing something noble at the same time. Use this light bulb, drive that car, only water your lawn twice a week, and for God's Sake, don't have babies, they are the worst impact on our poor, fragile worldwide struggling eco-system.

To these people we are parasites to the planet, as the true parasites, Islamic Terrorists and their sympathizers, are pumping out babies at a rate of eight or more per family.

Numbers always catch up to you, and those numbers don't look good at all.

If we are lucky, melting icecaps will flood all of the Muslim infested areas before the Jihad reaches its climax.

Now the government is pushing for new environmental regulations, and a cap on carbon output. If they could tax the Icelandic volcano, I am sure they would. Your energy costs are ready to go up if they pass the cap and trade legislation, and people like Al Gore are still lining their pockets with cash because they have convinced the people of the world that humanity has wrecked this planet, just like they convinced a bunch of Earth Day participants of the same thing 40 years ago.

And in the back room, counting their cash, they buy off a few more scientists to create a more solid consensus that the mythical claim of man-made global warming is somehow true. They have to. Honest scientists are abandoning ship.

Personally, I believe within the next ten years we are going to see Time Magazine proclaim a new ice age is coming, again.

Interesting, isn't it, that the biggest news about the environment on Earth Day wasn't Earth Day? Instead, people were watching a burning oil rig, wracked by explosion, killing a number of men, slowly sinking into the Gulf of Mexico.

I wonder if a group of environmentalists took a boat out there to weep over the fallen platform?

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Happy Lenin's Birthday, er, Earth Day - Climate Change Fraud

Burning oil rig sinks, setting stage for big spill - Associated Press, Yahoo News

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