Saturday, April 17, 2010

Obama Administration's British Empire Similarities

By Douglas V. Gibbs

When I discuss the U.S. Constitution, one of the first words uttered out of the mouths of those who despise the original intent of that document are, "Are you a lawyer?"

The answer is "no."

I know a lot about the Constitution because I desire to, and I earned my knowledge from the people who were there by reading their original writings, while also discussing those writings of Madison and Jefferson, and so forth, with other folks that have also made the U.S. Constitution their passion. And we should study the Constitution, because we are a couple of the folks that are a party to the contract, the U.S. Constitution, between the states and the federal government.

"Well," the response often begins, "you need to be a lawyer to understand the document, and to understand the Constitutional law that accompanies it."

Really? The last time I checked the first three words of the Constitution were "We The People." Saying that one must be a lawyer to understand the Constitution, and all that goes with it, is like telling me I have to be a preacher to understand the Holy Bible. If I didn't study my Bible, and if my preacher was the kind of man to lead folks astray, I would never know it.

That is why the Leftist politicians do not want you to learn about the Constitution. Keeping the people ignorant makes it easier to deceive the people, betray the people, and force upon the people a government model quite similar to the one the colonists fought a revolution over against the British Empire. Remember what educators have told us the cause of the Revolutionary War was?

Taxation without Representation.

Well, taxes was a part of it, but not the entire story. The Quartering Act was a large part of the unrest among the colonists, as was when the Brits came to take away our guns at Lexington and Concord. But, yes, unfair taxation, excessive taxation, was a major factor as well.

The Stamp Act was the first direct tax against the people, and the colonists were angry about it. Yet, today we are not only directly taxed, but the federal government is looking for more ways to get money out of us. Problem is, the foolish members of the Left remain ignorant of history. History tells us that anytime taxation becomes too great, revenue goes down because heavy taxation disincentivizes activity.

The Tea Party Movement says that TEA stands for Taxed Enough Already, and that their Tea Party name is in memory of the first Tea Party, held in Boston, Massachusetts, an iconic event from way back in 1773 in which a group of colonists, in an attempt to challenge an unfair one cent tax on tea, and the requirement of colonists to only purchase British Tea, boarded the British ships and destroyed the tea by throwing it into Boston Harbor. The event was one of the variables that led to the American Revolution.

The King of England viewed the colonists much in the same way the Obama Administration views you, as nothing more than a revenue source, and a bunch of petulant children who need to be put under control because they think you don't know what is best for you! And to make sure you stay in line, they plan to punish you with punitive taxation as they are currently trying against corporations with H.R. 1586 which could impose a 90% tax on employee bonuses, and as they will be doing with their health care legislation where you can be fined, or jailed, for failing to purchase health insurance - remember that "required to buy British Tea" thing?

I do not believe the Founding Fathers pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor for us to go right back to where we were before the American Revolution.

The Founding Fathers stood for limited taxation, pure liberty, and one nation under God. Therefore, that is what we should be.

The Constitution belongs to us, the White House belongs to us, and the Capitol buildings belong to us. We paid for those buildings with our tax dollars, and our veterans pay for the Constitution with their blood continuously.

We've been taxed enough already, controlled enough already, and lied to enough already. We are now ready to take back America under the authority of the U.S. Constitution. And if the cockroaches in Washington don't like it there is a great big lawn out in front of the White House we'd love to throw every last one of them out on - and send them home!

By the way, we own that lawn too.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

H.R. 1586: To impose an additional tax on bonuses received from certain TARP recipients - GOP Legislative Digest

Votes Database: 111th Congress / Bills / H R 1586 - Washington Post

Library of Congress THOMAS: H.R. 1586

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