Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Will America Matter?

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The United States is in crisis. Our nation cannot maintain its current financial course without the end result being economic collapse. Greece is in turmoil, and Europe looks to follow soon after. 40 years of the kind of policies the U.S. is now pursuing has left Europe on the edge of complete chaos.

Japan's economy has also stalled, and China is selling the debt they hold realizing that Europe's Euro, and America's Dollar, are losing value fast.

America's woes began long before our lifetimes even began. An ideology to change our nation from a Constitutional Republic based on the principles of limited government to a statist system where government is supreme was present from the very beginning. At the very start men like Alexander Hamilton, Chief Justice John Marshall, and Justice Joseph Story worked to subvert the Constitution, and lead this nation toward the direction of tyranny. They desired that the United States be the next British Empire, but more fierce, more in control of the people, and more in control of the global economic system. They believed in the General Will that was taught by philosophers like French born Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a will that used the lie that they were in the interest of helping the people, and ensuring the common good, when in reality all of their actions were for no reason other than to gain power over the people.

The battle of ideas that fuel the debate over the role of government in America that began during the years this nation was forged is still shaping our history to this day. The kind of government we will live under, and our posterity will live under, is in our hands. The Constitution was written to protect religion from the government, not the government from religion. The Constitution was written to protect our rights from the government, not to protect the government from us practicing our rights.

The forces against freedom, and our constitution, want a highly centralized government. They wish to use a centralized government to subsidize business to make them supportive of an ever-growing state by bailing them out, and merging with them, so that they may plan the path of the economy under the hand of government.

The liberal left, the whole lot of rabid progressives, desire that the federal government be the master over the states, rather than a servant to the states. Rather than the federal government's role to be to protect the union, and to protect the individual rights and properties of the citizens, they desire an intrusive government that dictates under the guise of the common good. An ever-increasing national debt, corporate welfare that uses tax dollars to subsidize various politically connected businesses, and central economic planning driven by the political control of the money supply, has created a history of boom and bust cycles in the economy that can only, if such actions continue, result in the collapse of the free market, and require a global system of governance that dictates to the people the parameters of their lives.

The American Revolution began in the minds of the people, and the war that resulted was fought against a highly centralized state led by a despotic king who pulled the strings of the British economic system. The empirical system was built on protectionism, government franchise monopolies, a state-run banking system, and interventionalism that benefited the government and its supporters on the backs of the taxpaying general public. They did this for power, and the belief that they, the elite, understand the general will of the people, and that only they fully understood what is best for the people.

The public interest rhetoric is a smoke screen bought by members of the public seeking to be compassionate, even at the expense of freedom and the economic and national security of their nation. The true beneficiary of the statist system is not the people, but the politically connected corporations, speculators, bankers, and politicians. The idea that the government is interested in the common good of the common man is nothing more than a ruse to achieve political success, and gain unprecedented power.

In a system of statism, all voluntary associations become subjected to government regulation and control, in the name of the will, and good, of the people - as interpreted by the ruling elite. Individual choice becomes criminal. Freedom becomes a crime against humanity. Liberty becomes a privilege rationed to those that obey the best, and to those willing to turn in to authorities any persons involved in what the government would consider seditious activities.

The statist views the Constitution as a living document that can be manipulated at will to grant powers to the federal government, rather than set limitations. With a clever manipulation of words, the Constitution can be interpreted by these statists to grant virtually all government actions without involving the citizens at all. Every tax, every entitlement, and every loss of liberty can be viewed as a power of Congress; a power initiated for the ever present rhetoric of the "good of the people."

State sovereignty is being written out of history, and denied by the federal government. These academics, politicians, and judges that favor a bigger, more activist form of government cannot allow the states to have rights, for if they do, their powers are limited. States' rights interfere with the federal government's pursuit of unbridled executive powers. Such elitist political thought enables the denial of state sovereignty, and will justify in the mind of the federal government statist the use of military invasion against states that refuse to fall in line.

Such is the tactic that was used by Abraham Lincoln.

The myth that the Constitution somehow grants the federal government implied powers, and that the courts have the authority to interpret, and manipulate, the law is a doctrine that is bringing down our nation, and it is now that we must stop the madness.

This is why the election in November, 2010 has become the most important election in the history of this nation. We must not only elect persons who will work to stop the bleeding, but we must continue to hold even those that claim to be conservatives accountable. It is We The People that are the enforcers, and the final arbiters, of the U.S. Constitution. Our fiscal challenges are daunting, as is our declining birthrate that makes us unable to replace our workforce. If our financial system fails, we will lose our nation. Our standard of living will deteriorate, and our ability to spend on national defense will be disabled. As a result, America will lose sight of liberty, collapsing under its own system that has become corrupt, and rife with statism. If we do not move our government in a direction to restore economic growth through free market principles, and lift our country out of this ever-growing crisis, America will collapse.

If that happens, America will simply cease to matter, and we will become nothing more than a footnote in a long history of the world that describes yet another great civilization that failed because of its unwillingness to realize the importance of the principles set forth at its founding.

The time to act is now.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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