Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Perversion of Truth

By Douglas V. Gibbs

True Evil Takes Truth And Perverts It.

The perversion of truth is a planned diversion. It is designed to use enough truth to reel you in. Then, once you are hooked, the deception completes the equation. Through this deception, people are deceived into believing untruths. . . lies that began with a seed of truth.

The liars pose as possessors of the truth. The darkness wears a robe of light. Immorality is presented as good and moral actions. Perversion is justified. Evil is presented with a Ph.D. in a nice three-piece suit. How can someone reject something presented in such acceptable wrapping?

Our Godly Founding Fathers have been reduced by the liars to white slave owners who were nothing more than atheists and deists. Truth has been twisted to conform to the warped deception.

With truth neutralized, and new set of truths emerged, filled with doubt of any system of belief that challenged it. Reality was the enemy. Only liberalism would be the accepted norm. Then, leftism would be able to do anything in its power to get the people to doubt any opposing views.

If leftism could get people to doubt the truth in any manner, creeping incrementalism would ensue - resulting in a slow, but steady, change of society into something no longer recognizable. Victory would be at hand for the statists, in the name of logic and reason. Then, the people would have to fall under the dictates of a small group of men. An oligarchy obtained without ever firing a shot. If anyone dared present any opposition to them, the doubter was attacked as a radical, unreasonable fool, an extremist against reason.

A key part of gaining control while the deception in social issues swirls around is to create economic instability with policies of centralization and taxation, as the current administration is doing right now. Statism through economic tyranny is easily accomplished by the liberals if class warfare fueled by confused social issues keeps the public distracted.

Central banking has evolved, and now the financial regulatory bill has taking the banking lie to new heights. When centralized banking was first achieved, it was presented as necessary, giving the deceivers the ability to manipulate the money supply, creating boom-and-bust cycles. Through these cycles are created a means of allowing the statists to use their powers over the money to pump up the economy with easy credit in time for elections, and busts when desired. The damage over the century has taken its toll. The perpetual boom-and-bust cycles have become bigger with each turn, ultimately leading us into a period now where if we don't eliminate the centralized control over the economy, while cutting spending and taxes, it could lead into total collapse.

Meanwhile, to keep the different social classes battling against each other, and to keep everyone's eyes off of what is really going on, the art of deception, and the perversion of truth, has been applied to the simplest issues.

Animal rights activists tend to be single issue, and so the Democrats have manipulated this cause to their advantage, claiming they not only support animal rights, but that in turn the GOP, by mere disagreement, supports cruelty to animals. It doesn't matter if nobody in their right mind would support cruelty to animals. The perversion of truth has been used enough that the leftist sheep believe the lie anyway. Either, you are an animal rights activist, or you are cruel to animals. No argument can convince anyone otherwise, and the Democrats have secured animal rights activists as permanent liberal voters who could care less about the economy, or the loss of personal freedoms.

Welfare is another great example of how the truth has been perverted, and is being used to the liberal left's advantage. The liberal opinion is that if you do not support entitlement programs, you are uncaring, and you desire the poor to sink into worse despair. The truth that conservatives believe it is better to teach people to achieve, and if assistance is needed, it should be accomplished through charitable means, is ignored. Either you agree with the liberals, or you are a heartless individual with no compassion.

Since President Lyndon Johnson launched the war on poverty, the poor have refused to surrender. Welfare rolls have increased, and the percentage of Americans receiving aid from the government is at record highs. The more gifts the government dishes out from the treasury, the more people realize they wanted to get their "fair share." America no longer promotes personal responsibility, hard work, and self-reliance. Now, everyone is focused on "benefits," or what they can get out of the government.

The more you provide through government without any expectations other than that the folks cash the checks, the less activity you will get out of the people. They become slaves to the welfare state, satisfied to receive their "entitlements." And with each passing moment, more and more people are hopping on the entitlement train. How long before these dependents of the state outnumber the producers and achievers? How long before such programs are no longer sustainable?

The perversion of the truth has gone so far, the people seem to no longer care what the answers to those questions may be. They don't care if we can no longer afford these programs. Economically, these entitlement programs are killing our nation. And like Greece, even under the threat of total collapse, the fooled will demand their entitlements, because they have been deceived to do so through the perversion of truth.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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