Friday, September 10, 2010

U.S. Economy No Longer Most Competitive

U.S. dropped from number 1 to number 4 as world's most competitive nation, via a two year skid.

The rankings of the world’s most-competitive economies are chosen by the World Economic Forum. Switzerland now resides in the top spot.

The U.S. had previously held the number 1 spot ever since the Geneva-based organization began its current index in 2004. With an out of control budget deficit, thrust upon the U.S. Economy by the Obama administration, and the Congressional Democrats, and public distrust of politicians as a hard left liberal ideology abuses the American system, the weaknesses in the world’s largest economy are mounting.

America’s loss of competitiveness appears as President Barack Obama asks Congress to take up proposals to spend $50 billion more, a move that could prove to be even more staggering to the deficit. The claim by the Democrats is that the new money is to repair and rebuild the U.S. transportation infrastructure and spur business investment and research.

“We want to put more Americans back to work rebuilding America -- our roads, railways, runways,” Obama has said. The temporary economic boost will only delay the inevitable, unfortunately, and open up a greater divide between recovery, and a Greece-like collapse.

Viewed as a wasteful spender, and meddling in the private sector, the U.S. under the current governmental regime ranked 87th for macroeconomic stability.

China led the way as a large developing economies, rising to 27th from 29th.

The report is based on 12 measures of competitiveness, as well as an opinion poll of thousands of worldwide business leaders.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

U.S. Competitiveness Slips, Switzerland Tops in WEF Study - Bloomberg

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