Thursday, November 11, 2010

California; Lights Out Liberal

By Douglas V. Gibbs

As a wave of Conservatism crossed the nation on Election Day, California reminded people of how liberal the state truly is. Aside from Reagan, and Deukmejian, every Governor of the State in the last fifty years has been a progressive (and yes, that includes Republicans Pete Wilson and Arnold Schwarzenegger). The Legislature has also been dominated by liberal Democrats since time began, or at least since the sixties (barring one minor Republican majority in 1994 in the State Assembly). The result has been a dominance of progressive politics in California, and the result has been catastrophic.

Much of California is actually Conservative, but the coastal cities, and a few population centers inland, are hard-left liberal. In order to stay in power, the Democrats have engaged in redistricting practices (partisan gerrymandering) that has virtually all Assembly and Senate district lines drawn in a way so as to favor the Democrats over the GOP. Shifting the party allegiance of a district is nearly impossible (though the passage of Proposition 20, and the rejection of Proposition 27 will now transfer the power to draw congressional districts to an independent 14-member commission that voters establish for legislative redistricting).

In the 1970s, California's governor was Jerry "Moon Beam" Brown. During his tenure as governor, the State worsened, and by the end of the chaos our taxes were the highest in the nation, the unsustainable public pensions madness was begun, and our education system was in shambles. After eight years as governor, Brown then went to Oakland to serve as that city's mayor, and in a short time destroyed any economic stability that city had, and ruined the local schools so bad that the State had to come in and take control (not that the State has fared much better).

With talk that California is going to be bailed out by the federal government (something that is not only unconstitutional, but would be a big mistake for the sovereignty of this State and the already uneasy opinion of California by the rest of the nation as taxpayers around the country find themselves suddenly being told they will be out of pocket for the liberal idiocy of California), it's never become clearer just how important it is to change this State's leadership from Democrat to Republican. Democrats have destroyed California.

Yet, despite the destruction of this State by liberal Democrats, and progressives in GOP clothing (Pete Wilson, Arnold Schwarzenegger), the Democrats have won the Governorship, maintained control of both houses of the legislature, reelected Barbara Boxer to the U.S. Senate to be our State's voice to the federal government, and has moronically passed Proposition 25 which will allow the State Legislature the ability to pass the budget with a simple majority vote rather than the 2/3rds requirement of before (ensuring that the majority party will be able to pass the budget they want regardless of the other party's opinion - a dangerous, unethical power grab that Democrats will seek to change if ever they lose their stranglehold on California).

Republicans are hopeful to regain control of this State's legislature in 2012, and turn things around, but in 2010 the voters have remained with the leftist crazies thanks to the candidates running on conservative sounding platforms (tax and spend Jerry Brown actually ran on cutting spending, cutting taxes, and getting government out of the way of the people) and a well funded hard left crazy wing (Hollywood liberals are a large part of that) of the hard left Marxists.

What is worse than Moon Beam Brown being our gubernatorial winner is that completely insane San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom (who has the blood of three people on his hands after following his sanctuary city madness in letting an illegal criminal back out on the streets to kill again) is now a heartbeat away from the Governor's mansion as lieutenant governor.

What is amazing about this is at the beginning of the race, Brown was considered to be a long-shot, and Newsom, we were told, was just not catching fire.

Suddenly, poof, we have wound up more liberal than we were before - and this after the obvious failure of liberalism in California!

Businesses have been fleeing California for decades because of the incredibly high taxes, and ridiculous Democrat Party pushed regulations against businesses. The environmental regulations alone have put out of business a number of smaller transport and trucking companies, and is expected to destroy the industry when more of the provisions of SB 32 goes into effect in a couple years.

If we keep putting these idiots into power, what is going to happen is everyone is going to flee California (except maybe the Hollywood nutcases, illegal aliens, and homosexuals).

I would say that as everyone leaves, whoever is last needs to turn the lights out; but at this rate, we won't be able to afford to keep the lights on in the first place, so turning the lights out won't be necessary.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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