Friday, December 24, 2010

Political Fight For My Grandchildren

top photo: me with youngest grandson Cortez, bottom photo: me with oldest grandson Ezekiel

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Christmas is the time of year when folks settle down to spend a little more time with family than they normally do during the hectic remainder of the year where it seems to be an accomplishment just to keep your head above water. For some, the season is one of renewed relationships, or seeing someone that you haven't seen in a very long time, or perhaps it is just an opportunity to have the whole family under one roof, if even for just a moment.

Last weekend the company I work for had its Christmas Party, and it was an opportunity to hang around with a few of my buddies in an environment that did not involved big rigs, sand, gravel, and deadlines. We laughed, met each other's wives (or girlfriends), and ate until we couldn't take any more carne asada and pollo.

At that party, a friend of mine that talks politics with me often (though he tends to lean a little towards the conspiratorial side of things), walked up to me as I stood in a group of about a dozen people. In the group we were talking about some of the job sites we had to endure during the year, but when my buddy walked up and asked me about my political opinion on something, it didn't take long for the crowd to disperse.

We hear that religion and politics are topics to stay away from when talking to the general population. Most folks want nothing to do with the subject. Apparently, at the Christmas Party, the rule was in full force.

Folks know that I know my politics, and many of them throughout the year, when they had a question about the political world, came to me with those questions. But unless they are seeking a particular piece of information, they don't seek out the subject. Politics is the furthest thing from their mind.

Such complacency on the topic is part of the reason the White House is filled with liberal left Marxists.

Most people just want to make a living, watch a little television, and spend what precious little time they have in the evenings with their families.

I agree. I do much the same. However, I am also involved as much as I can be in moving my nation back into the direction that the Founding Fathers originally intended. I attend local Conservative weekly breakfast meetings when my schedule allows, attend a monthly Republican Assembly meeting regularly, stand with my fellow Tea Party rally buddies at events, help organize and participate in local Tea Party events, I ran for city council, I write daily on politics, study the political spectrum daily, host an Internet radio show on politics, and continuously communicate with members of my growing network of politically-minded people.

And often I am asked why I put so much effort into politics.

A couple of the reasons are in those photos at the top of this page.

Samuel Adams once wrote: "If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

The liberals at the top of the political chain are doing what ever they can to make themselves wealthy and powerful at our expense. They love that power more than our liberty, and they have placed a huge burden upon our posterity.

Thomas Jefferson is quoted as saying: "The principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale."

That is exactly what the liberals in government are doing. They have increased spending to the point that even our grandchildren will be unable to pay it back. Generations have been swindled, and like the failing nations of Europe, if this continues our financial system will collapse.

I would be a fool not to be involved like I am. My grandchildren, born and unborn, are worth the fight.

Tonight my family will gather at my folk's house to celebrate Christmas. Tomorrow we will do the same at my wife's parent's house. The family has grown quite a bit, with the grandkids and great grandkids. In fact, my kids both have little girls on the way, to be born in a matter of weeks for one, and a few months for the other (which will double the sub-total of grandchildren to four). And at the family gathering at my folk's place, mom will be as she normally is, just happy that the whole family has been brought together under one roof on this one night of the year.

Children are wonderful blessings, and if a couple responds to the call of their new family and actively act with responsibility in relation to their roles, the unity of a family is an amazing and wonderful experience. As I have told many before their children were born, the love you have for your child is a unique love, one that can never be explained and is only understood by parents. It is the kind of love that is so strong that it hurts inside. And no matter how old your child becomes, your love is consistent.

Why wouldn't I fight for their future?

Turning this nation back into the model designed by our Founding Fathers, and their understanding of the wisdom of the ages, will require a great amount of patience and persistence. We must be responsible, and use our individual talents to slowly build upon what the Tea Party has already accomplished. For the sake of our posterity, we must maintain the political fight to stop liberalism, stop the ransoming of our posterity's future, and reverse the damage done by the Democrats over the last few years.

The love and devotion I have put into my children, and the deep love I feel for my grandchildren, is my driving force. For them I intend to do what I can to instill in them strong values that will train them to be good and productive individuals, who think outside the box of collectivism, and who are willing to take up the torch of truth after I am gone.

I understand that in the end, they will do as they do. It is amazing how, despite upbringing, children can turn out very different from their parents. And ultimately, that is their choice. I believe, however, with the Bible, and the U.S. Constitution, we have a hold of the two most important texts in history, and through the Will of God, we must ensure that our children are educated on what those texts say, and mean. So in addition to the political fight, our job is to educate. To make sure posterity continues the fight, and does so from a position of knowledge.

I am brave enough to look them in the eye and tell them the truth. Will my words and actions ensure that these children grow up to be moral and just adults who continue the fight for liberty? I don't know. But to neglect to mold them and teach them would be a cruel thing to do. Without that knowledge of values and liberty, theirs would be a future of dependence upon sin and tyranny.

Wisdom comes from learning from our mistakes. In science, once a hypothesis is proven to be false, the scientist moves on. In politics, however, the liberals keep trying to force their failed ideology into the success column, and it keeps failing; and they don't understand why it failed, so they try to force it upon us again, but this time with more spending, more radical tactics, and more attacks on individual freedoms. They have convinced an entire class of people they are unable to succeed and must be paid to remain in poverty, they are trying to convince that they know better on how to parent, and even on how to eat. Who are they to dictate to anyone anything? They are not willing to admit that their way of doing things is destructive. However, what is even worse, is that the true believers like Obama, and many of the liberals in Congress, know that what they are doing is destructive. The dismantling of the American form of government is the point, to them. They know they must fundamentally destroy the American system in order to replace it with their centralized tyranny of collectivism. Ultimately, it is they that we fight, it is they that we must stop, and it is they that our posterity will have to continue to hold at bay.

I fight for my grandchildren, your grandchildren, and their grandchildren.

And I will not stop as long as I breath.

God Bless, and be safe.

Merry Christmas.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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