Sunday, May 01, 2011

Obama is Ineligible - But I Don't Want Him Impeached

"There is but one straight course, and that is to seek truth and pursue it steadily." --George Washington

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Despite the long form birth certificate that Obama just released, I believe he is still not eligible to be President of the United States. There is evidence abound that the new document released is a fake, and besides, even if it was authentic, it proves his ineligibility because it shows Barry Sr. as his father, who was not an American Citizen at the time of Obama's birth, making Obama ineligible because Natural Born Citizenship requires the citizenship of the parents at the time of birth of the child (via Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1790, and Vattel's Law of Nations Book I Section 212 of which the Founders drew their definition).

And a deep breath. . .

But the worst thing we could do is dwell on this issue, or impeach Barack Obama.

First of all, impeachment is not a quick and pretty process. By the time the procedure concluded, Obama would be done with his term anyhow. Besides, Obama is a symptom of the war. The true battle is not against Obama, but against Progressivism. So the question one must ask, then, is if impeaching Obama would benefit the effort to end progressive madness in America?

To stop the progressive agenda, we need Obama to stay in office and continue to look like an idiot. He is the progressive poster-boy right now, and he is doing a great job in turning America off to progressive idiocy. To impeach him would shift the focus. No longer would Americans be focusing on the failed policies of the Democrats, but instead they would focus on the circus theatrics of the impeachment. Then, as a result, Obama would be seen more as a martyr than a destroyer of the American Form of Government.

That is hardly something that would help our fight to return this nation to its fundamental foundation of government.

As much as I enjoy the birth certificate drama, and as much as I have my own opinions on Obama's eligibility, we are better off backing off. Give the Democrats more rope, and let them hang themselves. Obama and his Democrat cronies have been doing a great job at making themselves look bad, and 2012 looks to be a shoe-in for just about any Republican against ol' big ears, so let's stay the course, let them sink their own ship, and allow America to see progressive liberal socialism for what it is. . . a big fat failure.

The truth we must pursue is the Constitution, and the way to get there is to allow the Democrat Party to continue to implode, fight them on the issues, and watch those jerks go the way of the Whigs.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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