Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tea Party: Stronger Than Ever

By Douglas V. Gibbs

It is almost comical to watch the mainstream press squirm. The liberal leftist media attacks what they are worried about, hence the attacks on Palin, Bachmann, and the Tea Party. In fact, the media is claiming that the Tea Party is done. They would have you believe that nobody is interested in the Tea Party anymore, it has little influence, and Obama is somehow a shoe-in in 2012. The Republican establishment has fallen for the garbage, and is trying to distance itself from the Tea Party as the Democrats attack the movement.

Yet, the Tea Party remains a dynamic force that has saved the Republican Party from itself (or at least is working to do so), and it is because of the Tea Party that the political conversation is where it is at. The election victory for the GOP last November was the direct result of the Tea Party, and now the Tea Party is driving the political conversation, and rather than admit it, the GOP establishment and Democrat leftists are claiming that the Tea Party has no pull.

Perhaps they think if they ignore the Tea Party it'll go away.

The Tea Party is the voice of America, and the last election was no accident. In fact, more people are on board than before!

As the Republicans work on making deals with the Democrats, the Tea Party is saying, "Hell, No!" And believe you me, the GOP establishment will suffer in 2012 due to their unwillingness to work with the Tea Party.

The Republicans have been spending their time trying to appease the Democrats, and act as if they are worried about the attacks by the Democrats.

You know the left is idiotic. . . so why care about what they say and do? Ignore them, stick to your principles, and work to neutralize Obama's policies.

Forget party agenda, forget political posturing, and stick with principles.

The Republicans don't seem to get that, and they don't seem to understand that without the Tea Party conservatives, the Democrats will regain full power.

Fact is, the Republicans were no better than the Democrats before last November. They were making bad deals, and moving us in the same socialist direction as the Democrats, just slower. The Tea Party saved the GOP from itself, and now we are making progress. The establishment Republicans are finding that it is coming down to either they are for the voters, or against them. They are willing to listen to the Tea Party, or be nothing more than liberals with "R"s after their names. The Republicans keep trying to compromise, and the Tea Party is saying, "Hell, no, stick with your alleged principles."

Conservatism wins. Just ask Canada. The Conservatives have won by a landslide in Canada, not by trying to create a big tent, or moderate, but by running on Conservative principles. Oh, and all the polls before the election said the Conservatives had no chance.

That's what the Tea Party did, and that is what the rest of the Republicans need to do. . . or else they will lose.

The Conservatives are co-opting the GOP, returning the party to its foundations. The establishment Republicans are kicking and screaming, complaining that they think too much conservatism will ruin the party.

I've got an idea for those moderate Republicans. Turn in your GOP membership card, and go to the Democrat Party where you belong.

As for Obama being unbeatable - please, that is the most ridiculous thing I've heard so far. QE2 failed, the stock market is shaky, gas prices are up, food prices are up, unemployment is up. . . They may be able to spin the numbers, influence the polls, and falsely claim the recession is over, but they can't fake the cost of living. We feel it, we know how much it takes to fill our tank, and feed our family, and the fact is, the economy has gotten worse, and it is all a direct result of Obama's idiotic Keynesian spending policies, and other liberal agenda items.

The Tea Party is not a problem for the GOP, the Tea Party saved the GOP. The problem in the party is not conservatism. . . the problem is the GOP establishment that is filled with "politicians," rather than statesmen.

Fact is, even though the media says the Tea Party has been taking lumps lately, the fact is, the Tea Party is stronger than ever.

Now, as the debate gears up for the fight over the debt ceiling, the Tea Party message is clear: Don’t raise the debt ceiling under any circumstances. The Tea Party won last November specifically on issues like the debt ceiling. The voters spoke last November, and they have not changed their minds. The GOP better act fiscally responsible, and refuse an increase in the debt ceiling, or we will see more establishment Republicans gone in the upcoming election, and an even stronger hold on Washington by the Tea Party.

The Tea Party is unhappy with the GOP establishment, and is ready to take the Senate, and the White House, with true conservatives.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Tea Party Dogs GOP on Debt Ceiling - National Journal

What the GOP can learn from Canada’s Conservatives - Washington Examiner

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