Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Al Gore's Population Hysteria

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Despite the whinings of a few global scientists because they still want their grant money, the hoax of man-made global warming has been all but fully exposed for the myth that it is. Scientists supported the theory for grant money, politicians supported the myth for power, and the people fell for it because they want their lives to mean something - and there's not much that can beat saving the planet.

Now that man-made global warming is only a fact among the socialist nutcases, and a handful of Pied Piper following liberals, Al Gore has decided to chase after another proven-to-be-false hysteria - overpopulation.

Overpopulation is yet another liberal loony-toons wishlist item that has been totally debunked. The liberals live in this kind of world - doom and gloom, so government must save us all! We don't face a problem of overpopulation in the world. There's no man-made global warming, there is no overpopulation, and we are not running out of food and water.

People invest their emotions into this crap because they are seeking to latch on to something, and the liberal left promises to deliver that something. This planet is not as fragile as the leftists would hope you would believe, and there is plenty of room on the planet to boot. The liberals, however, will tell you that there's an overpopulation problem because of poverty. If there is poverty, they assume, then there must be too many people.

And where is poverty most prevalent? America's poor are richer than 90% of the world, so you can't count them. The truly miserable, the truly poor to the point of sickening misery, are in places where there is not capitalism. The absence of a free market causes the worst kind of poverty. Socialism causes poverty. Despots cause poverty. Dictators cause poverty. There isn't poverty because of overpopulation, but because those places do not have enough capitalism.

Profit does the most social good. A business owner starts to make a profit, the business grows, more jobs are created, peoples wages go up, etc.

Entitlements buy votes, and big government causes poverty. Then, unwilling to look at themselves, the leftists blame things like population - so that they can deny people more freedoms, kill more babies in the womb, and tell people how many kids they are allowed to have.

Al Gore believes this crap, so his solution will ultimately be to start getting rid of people. Have less babies, stagnate our population, as the Muslims, who wish to conquer us and believe they can do so by sheer numbers, continues to have eight babies per mom.

Gore wants a Planned Parenthood on every street, but not for Islam, because that would be insensitive.

Hey, Al, you might as well just hand them the keys.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Gore: On Global Warming, Obama Has Changed Little - ABC News

Gore promoting fewer children to curb pollution - The Daily Caller

Climate of DenialCan science and the truth withstand the merchants of poison? by Al Gore - Rolling Stone Magazine

Enviro Poll: Global Warming Overblown - The American Spectator

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