Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Podcast Available of Constitution Day Discussion on Constitution Speaker Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs


Constitutional Speaker on KCAA Sun, Sep 18, 2011

Loki joined me during the first segment to discuss the Constitutional Convention. Then we launched into the 5 Big Stories. . .

5. Plane Crashes Into Crowd at Nevada Air Race, Killing 3, Injuring More Than 50 - Fox News

4. Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist Resigns Over Global Warming - Fox News

3. GOP Gains House Seat Vacated by Weiner - New York Times

2. Obama Pitches Jobs Bill: ‘No Games, No Politics, No Delays’ - ABC News

1. Solyndragate - Hard Starboard


Nuts and Nuggets:

Nut: Nutcase Wasserman-Shultz: "Pensions are not dragging down State budgets." "To Say That The Stimulus didn't work would be false."

Nugget: White House Press Briefing where Obama Press Secretary Carney was laughed at by the White House Press Corps when he said Obama is “campaigning for growth and jobs” with his new $400+ Billion”Son of Stimulus” Plan – and NOT his own re-election.

1 comment:

Shlomo Ben Hungstien said...

Hi, i just wanted to give other random pro-Israel advocates out there a heads up about a blog site that has a collection of Youtube videos of confrontations and dueling demos between pro and anti-Israel forces in the San Francisco Bay Area. i'll be posting a back log of videos for most of the rest of this week every day: http://proisraelctu.blogspot.com/