Saturday, August 11, 2012

Constitution Radio: Intelligence Expert John Wohlstetter Discusses Iranian Nuclear Weapons Development

2:00 pm Pacific on KCAA 1050 AM and at - Constitution Radio.

I must remind people that during the first six minutes after the top of the hour the ads are KCAA's ads, not the show's ads, and since the station is not a conservative station (NBC Radio, after all), the ads may not be what you expect. . . such as last weeks "Panda Porn" ad by Isla Earth. So, be aware, and don't let those ads deter you from listening to a fantastic show!!!

This week's guest is John Wohlstetter, author of "Sleepwalking with the Bomb" and a National Security and Intelligence expert, as well as a current Senior Fellow at Seattle-based Discovery Institute. This week we will discuss the Middle East, and more specifically, Iran's threat to go nuclear.

Remember we will also have the Book of the Week by Prying1Books, and the Constitution Quest Question of the Week where you can win a free book from Prying1Books!

Then we will dive into the. . .

5 Big Stories of the Week, August 11, 2012

Note: This morning Mitt Romney was supposed to announce V.P. Pick! We will discuss that too!

5. New Mars Rover Touches Down - Scientists Marvel at Mars’ Earthlike Landscape

4. Amnesty Offered to More Illegals. . . Total 1.8 Million

3. The “Romney Paid No Taxes for Ten Years” Lie by Reid

2. Gymnast Gabby Douglas and the Monkey Commercial

1. Shooting at Sikh Temple in Wisconsin

and remember, you can catch the podcasts at any time on our PodCast Page

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