Saturday, September 22, 2012

Constitution Radio Live From The Agricultural Festival in San Jacinto, California

I will be co-hosting American Daily Review at 12:00 pm Pacific live from the Estudillo Mansion Heritage Park in San Jacinto, California.

Then, the fun really begins when my Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs program starts. . .

Showtime begins at 2:05 pm Pacific at KCAA 1050 AM, and Online at  Call in at 888-909-1050, or come on down to the event at 150 S. Dillon Avenue in San Jacinto, California and join me at the microphone.  For the first segment I will be inviting folks into the gazebo where I will be broadcasting by remote to ask me questions about the Constitution, and to get on the air live with me!

We will still also discuss the Book of the Week from Prying1Books, and ask the Constitution Quest Question of the Week - but in addition to being mailed a vintage book by Prying1Books, we will offer also to those in attendance of the event a pre-copy of my book, the 25 Myths of the Constitution, as a prize for getting the Constitution Question of the Week correct!

The pre-copy of The 25 Myths of the Constitution will also be on sale at the event for $10 (a $10 discount from the normal $20 price!)

Then, after all of the local flare settles, we will discuss with JASmius the 5 Big Stories of the Week. . . if there is any time left!

5 Big Stories of the Week, September 22, 2012

Honorable Mention: Romney Releases Tax Returns

Honorable Mention: White House Personnel May Have Been Involved in Columbia Prostitution Scandal

5. After 47% Comment Goes National, Did Romney Try to Change the Subject?

4. GM Wants Out of Government Control

3. Middle East Continues to Burn

2. American Troops Killed in Afghan Inside Attack

1. Constitution Day was September 17th!

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