Saturday, September 08, 2012

The Sluts, Perverts, and Racists of the Democrat National Convention

CHARLOTTE, N.C. - You only have to step outside the Democratic National Convention center in downtown Charlotte where vendors and special interest groups are hawking their goods to realize that the Democrats have become the party of hard-edged social issues, not the GOP.

While the Republicans have largely tried to follow former Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels' suggestion that they stick to economic issues, the Democrats have gone hog wild on social issues like abortion, contraception and same sex marriage.

Consider the dozens of pink-shirted Planned Parent representatives. As the crowds stroll by, they yell out "Get your 'Protect yourself from Romney and Ryan condom,'" as they hand out pink condom packages with a single condom appropriately dyed blue.

Read more at the Washington Examiner


Vote Black Buttons Hit DNC Convention Floor


One of my favorite things about conventions — either party — are the enthusiastic sartorial choices of many delegates. This year’s DNC was no different, except for these pins:

Is this a progressive attempt to be humorous? You can never tell, with these people. They’re up in arms simply because Erick Erickson cracked wise over the incessant pitches for free birth control due to sexual recreation, so you never know.

Keep Reading at Breitbart..


CHARLOTTE – The Democratic National Convention began in earnest Tuesday morning and part of the first day's business will be to adopt the party platform, which for the first time includes support of gay marriage while reinforcing prior language that supports abortion rights.

"The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman's right to make decisions regarding her pregnancy, including a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay," states the DNC platform document.

Democrats will use the abortion issue to highlight differences between President Obama and Mitt Romney during the last 63 days of the presidential election. However, party officials have said several times during the past few days that the word "abortion" will not be heard much. Instead, speakers will use the phrase "protecting a woman's right to choose" in order to appeal to the 3 million or so independent voters up for grabs in key states including North Carolina.

In other words, abortion will not be about abortion.

Several female speakers will take to the podium in Charlotte in any effort to downplay any bump that the GOP may have gotten from their all-star lineup of women elected officials and candidates such as South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and Utah Congressional candidate Mia Love.

Slated to speak during the DNC are Planned Parenthood Action Fund President Cecile Richards and Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke who will tell voters that the Romney/Ryan ticket will be anti-woman.
A week after Mitt Romney solidified his status as the greatest Presidential candidate of all time [well, I don't know about that, but the Romney/Ryan ticket is the most conservative since Reagan/Bush], the Democrats convened in North Carolina for their quad-annual celebration of homosexual interracial sex orgies, abortions and welfare.

The Democrats trotted out their usual lineup of overtly loud, obnoxious ethnics who flashed signs written in Spanish, promiscuous women of Congress who advocate for Biblical ruin by championing the morals and values of whores and prostitutes, and cheerleaders in the form of the spineless mainstream media.

Rumor has it that this convention was paid for by food stamps and that a specialized “Abortion Van” was present in the parking lot, sponsored by OBAMACARE, offering free abortions to the slutty, liberal college girls who clamor for it. In addition, FOX News reported that a specific area of the arena was sectioned off for homosexual “orgies” — Obama’s administration continually attempting to turn all of America into a gayhomo “breeding zone.”

Julian Castro, a nephew of Fidel Castro, also spoke, assaulting the crowds with torrents of indecipherable Spanish and seemingly forgetting that in AMERICA we speak ENGLISH. It speaks volumes of the character of the Democratic party that they’d choose to label this communist sympathizer as a “Rising star.” A RED STAR of oppression, no doubt.


-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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