Monday, November 19, 2012

Obama FEMA Failure

You know, it 's funny how when Hurricane Katrina blew through New Orleans and the Democrat Governor of Louisiana refused to call a state of emergency. The federal government, Constitutionally, cannot just start doing things in a State without permission.  Therefore, the delay by FEMA after Hurricane Katrina was caused by a Democrat Governor refusing to call on a Republican President for help.

George W. Bush was crucified over that, accused to being too slow with FEMA, and incompetent.

When Tropical Storm Sandy blew through New Jersey and New York, though it was not a powerful storm, the storm surge that accompanied it was incredible.  Weeks have passed, and much of the area is still without electricity, phone service, cell tower service, and many people remain dislodged from their homes.  The governors asked for help immediately, and yet FEMA has failed to live up to the promises the democrats made.

The media refuses to hold Obama responsible, or even report on the conditions of the northeast.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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