Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sheila Jackson Lee - Liberal Left Spokes-hole

By Douglas V. Gibbs

American Liberalism faces a dilemma.  They gain power through lies and propaganda, but as that web increases, and their power reaches its tentacles into the fabric of our lives, the truth about who they are begins to emerge.  Progressives are statists.  Statism is a term that envelopes the entire range of big government ideologies, which may have minor differences, but in the end they are all about the same thing: control of the population by the ruling elite through an intrusive, overpowering, big government.

Stupidity runs rampant throughout any system of beliefs.  Nearly every walk of life has to endure the stupid people among their ranks.  When it comes to the statist aims of a tyrannical big government motive, stupid people tend to let the cat out of the bag, say it like it is, and doesn't really think about the ramifications of their idiocy.  Sometimes stupid people go steps further than their group desires, and step in it so bad that the horror of what they said is so stupid, that it is almost funny - if in fact it wasn't such a serious window into their ideology's true core.

Sheila Jackson Lee, democrat representative from the State of Texas, is one of the most hateful, racist, and idiotic liberal left nut-cases out there, and every time she opens her pie-hole, she challenges Biden for the trophy of deepest foot-in-mouth.

The Liberal Left Democrats are easy to figure out, but they don't always let what they "really think" sneak out, very often.  For example, I was warning people during Obama's first term that the administration was preparing to go after our guns, but liberal after liberal commented on my site that Obama was not only not going to go after our guns, but he even said something to that effect.  Liberals lie, and I knew Obama was lying.  It was just a matter of time. The were looking for the right crisis to arise so that they could politicize the event and use it to go after guns.  A truth of politics has always been that the liberal left wants to someday confiscate everybody's guns.  Statists do that, because that is what big government tyranny does.  Control of the populace requires that the citizenry can't fight back.

Liberals, for the most part, hate guns.  Yes, I realize that there are a few liberals that are gun owners and are still having trouble understanding their leftist brothers going after firearms, but they are a rare breed in the world of liberal left lunacy.

To get America to the point of wanting their guns to be taken away from them, cheering the disarmament of law abiding citizens, the democrats must convince everyone that it is for their own good.  The opposition must be portrayed as being so dangerous that they may be planning on using their guns against you, and your families, or worse, that they would be willing to use those arms to conduct an overthrow of the precious and benign federal government.

One hatred can then be used to support another hatred.  So the liberal left works to incrementally put into our heads that guns are bad, and having guns with children in the house is akin to child abuse, but they won't come right out and say it because the liberal democrats know that on its face it sounds ridiculous.  They do things through creeping incrementalism.

Then, someone like Sheila Jackson Lee comes along and blurts out what is really hiding behind the curtain.

In addition to hating guns, liberal democrats hate any group that refuses to be in the tank with them.  Religious groups that refuse to sway like a reed in the wind to the whims of government are hated, and are considered to be very dangerous.  How dare they think independently, and refuse to let the government dictate to them how they should act, what they can say, and what their definition of marriage is (for example).  And since these "right wing Christians" are also gun enthusiasts, and the liberal left wishes they could use force to cram everyone into the homogeneous ball of people parts they desire, the right-wingers must think the same way in the sense of their own agenda. . .

Besides, thinks the liberal leftist, those gun owners also believe that the Second Amendment is in place so that the people are armed to bring down the government.

Liberals have actually told me that such a thought is unpatriotic.

Of the reasons for the Second Amendment, if you read the writings of the Founding Fathers, the right to keep and bear arms is indeed in place to ensure that if a tyrannical system rises up, the people have the ability to stop it.  And that is a very patriotic thing to do.  Patriotism is love of country, not love of government.

Sheila Jackson Lee, sharing her liberal left friend's hate of religious groups that don't bow down to the all powerful leftists and ruling elite, has decided to blurt out what most liberals think, but won't say.

"As we look to be informational, we should include an analysis of how Christian militants or others might bring down the country. We have to look broadly, do we not?" Sheila Jackson Lee asked a New York Corrections official during a discussion regarding Islamic Terrorists.

The official said that such groups would not have foreign countries backing them financially, like Muslim militants in our country may have.

“I don’t think that’s the issue," she said. "The issue is whether or not their intent is to undermine the laws of this nation. And I think it is clear that that is the case. So it’s not -- your distinction is not answering the question.”

The real question comes down to what the definition of Christian militants really is.  In Sheila Jackson Lee's mind, Christian militants are any religious folk that loves their guns, loves their Bibles, but stand in opposition to liberalism.  Another angle, however, may be that Christian militants really do exist, but their take over of the government is already in full swing.  Black Theology's champion, Jeremiah Wright, has one of his militant pawns in the White House, right now, as President of the United States of America.

The very fact that I am in disagreement with Sheila Jackson Lee, and that I am calling her on her idiocy, of course, makes me a target, too. After all, she has also said conservative bloggers should "shut up" and "stop playing racial politics." - racial politics here being defined as "not being willing to agree with the left," which somehow makes the opposition racist.  We've seen that time and time again.  If you dare disagree with the liberal left on an issue, you are automatically labeled as being racist, a bigot, and an extremist.

Agree with the leftists big government policies, and take big government being shoved down your throat without as much as a peep in opposition, or else you are a racist, bigot, -phobe, and militant that wants to be no different than a Muslim terrorist. . . is that it, Sheila Jackson Lee?

In the end, Sheila Jackson Lee's attack against what the left calls "the Christian Right" was an attempt to paint liberalism's opposition as dangerous, and to position the government as having the right to disarm such a group, in the interest of the common good.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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