Sunday, June 09, 2013

Secession of North Colorado - Only The Constitution Stands In The Way

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Conservative regions of States that have gone politically leftist feel helpless and hopeless, because no matter what they demand of their representatives, the political elitists follow the establishment agenda, and could care less what the citizens, or the law, call for.  In Colorado, rural counties in the north have come to the conclusion that the only way to fix the problem, is to disconnect the region from the problem.

This is nothing new.  In fact, a couple years ago Riverside County Supervisor Jeff Stone called for 13 counties in California to secede from the rest of the State.  I get it.  If the whole is going rotten, cut off the rotten parts to save the parts that are still salvageable.  Makes sense.

Nothing is ever truly lost.  We are in a bad way.  But liberty has reigned in this country for so long, the courageous battle for liberty will turn things around, eventually.  I just wonder if it will be in our lifetime.

The calls for secession of counties from wacky-doodle States is evidence of how bad the liberal left has gotten.  The problem is, none of those schemes are workable, because of a little thing called the United States Constitution.

According to Article IV., Section 3 of the Constitution, new States may be formed in such a manner, but not without the consent of Congress, and the legislatures of any States concerned.  So, that means that North Colorado, or those 13 counties in California, would have to get the okay of the legislature of the State they are trying to secede from.

Do you think the capital of the State involved would be so eager to let go of so many taxpayers?  Or would they be willing to let go of such a large chunk of population, which would in turn affect not only the State's representation in Congress, but the strength of the establishment?

Alas, there will be no North Colorado.

Now if a State got to the point that they'd be willing to secede from The Union, that is something that might be workable.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Colorado Secede? Counties weigh exit plan to form state of North Colorado - Yahoo! News

Hope for California may be Secession - Political Pistachio

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LIke you said, Doug, it is understandable, but also like you said the Constitution gets in the way with the way it needs to be done. The liberal left who runs the Colorado legislature will never let that many tax payers go, especially when they are the Conservative ones...the ones that are more likely to work..than to sponge off the government. Good post my friend.