Monday, July 08, 2013

Genetic Screening: Gattica In Real Life

By Douglas V. Gibbs

In the movie "Gattica," scientists had figured out a way to make the perfect human.  Genetic screening ensured disease and poor genetic traits were weeded out.  But in the end, the essence of humanity was gone.  The drive of humans to be better, to succeed, to compete and win, no longer existed in the perfect humans.

Now, since the liberal left wants a Marxist Utopia, and scientists are doing what they can to figure out ways to force their expectation of the evolution of humanity through genetic manipulation.  

I wonder what would happen to those that don't meet the genetic perfection standard?

Gives you a whole new definition for death panels, doesn't it?

They want to create genetic superiority, and it is nothing new. Adolf Hitler, for example, sought the perfection of his own master race, using experiments on people to hopefully reach his goal through science, while exterminating anyone that did not fit his idea of a master race.  Now, we are seeing such things in our own society.

Humanity has a tendency to push the envelope. We want to find out what is on the other side of barriers.  There is no line in the sand if we are not willing to draw it in the first place, and if a line does appear, we seem to have no problem stepping over it. The envelope always gets pushed, and liberalism always seeks the next barrier to break through.

The discovery of DNA, and mapping out every part of the DNA Strand has put us into a position where we believe we can become God, and the scientists are making good on that promise to someday reach the singularity.  It is a scientific Tower of Babel, but instead of trying to reach God, we are trying to replace Him.

A child now has been born after a full DNA screening, which checked the child for all genetic abnormalities. 

Never mind that it is often our flaws that make us special, and give us our drive to become better.

How soon before DNA screening becomes the norm?  Will people with money and position use it, while the poor can't, further dividing any line that may exists between the haves and the have-nots?  

"It can't make embryos better than they were in the beginning, but it can guide us to the best ones," said one of the doctors.

The doctors went on to say, "We have to make sure this is used judiciously."

Yeah, we can trust them, right?

Let me go back to what I was saying earlier about pushing the envelope.  Nothing will stop this.  The next step will be perfect humans, and the genocide of all that do not meet the new standards. . . 

Remember, the left also believes this planet is overpopulated.

And remember, this won't be cheap, so the "designer babies" will be the playground of the rich and powerful. . . which will be those that play ball with the new Obama-style leftism that uses heavily crony capitalism, a.k.a. merchantilism (you know, that favoritism crap that had a hand in driving us to revolution against the British over 200 years ago?)

"IVF is still expensive and uncomfortable with no guarantee of a baby at the end. I can't imagine many people wanting to go through the strains of IVF for something trivial."

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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