Sunday, September 22, 2013

Barackfast in America

By Douglas V. Gibbs

After a morning of preparation for a relaxing day of manning my Constitution Booth at the San Jacinto AgFest, I decided to walk around and visit some of the other booths.  Yesterday, after a breakfast with just a bit under 50 conservatives at Seven Hills, we had a fantastic program at the fair.  The event began with the singing of the national anthem by a local pastor's wife, and an opening prayer by her husband.  Then, the choir sang a litany of patriotic songs.  After the choir finished its performance, George and I took the microphones.  George is an attendee of my Constitution Class in Temecula, and he was wearing a complete Revolutionary War naval uniform, including a sword.  We talked about the founding of this nation, and the Constitution, to the crowd until 2:00 pm approached, at which time I took to the air waves, and Constitution Radio began.

After the show, there was more music, and then at 6:00 pm, Judge Michael Kennedy spoke.

Today, there was not going to be so much hoopla.  A relaxing day at the booth.  As I walked around, though, I came across the Democrat Party's booth, and I wondered if they would mind if I just put a "Get your government intrusion into your lives here!" sign.

Then I noticed the huge cut-out of Obama.

These people are actually proud of the train-wreck in the White House.

It doesn't matter to them that the anti-war candidate wanted to attack Syria with, or without, Congress.

It doesn't matter to them that the candidate that promised to end lobbying in Washington is the prince of folding under the pressure by the lobbyists.

It doesn't matter to them that he promised you could keep your doctor, and that premiums would come down as a result of Obamacare, and instead people are losing their plans, and premiums are going sky-high.

It doesn't matter to them that Obama promised the stimulus would kick-start the economy, and the depression we are in has worsened during his presidency.

It doesn't matter to them that the President stood by and watched Americans die in Benghazi, yet has run to the aid of rebels in Syria that are aligned with the people that killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11.

It doesn't matter to them that the President is pushing for gun control, yet it is in the strictist gun control, and gun-free, zones that mass shootings are happening - because the shooter knows for a fact that there will be no armed resistance in these gun-free zones.

It doesn't matter to them that the President was behind giving guns to the Mexican drug cartels so that those guns could be used to murder thousands of Mexicans, and a couple Border Patrol agents. . . and then lied about it.

It doesn't matter to them that Obama promised his policies would reduce the national debt, yet the deficit has risen to levels greater than we've seen in history, with all presidents. . . combined.

It doesn't matter to them that Barry has snubbed the National Day of Prayer, but makes sure the White House observes the Muslim Ramadan.

It doesn't matter to them that the President has inserted the government into the private sector through the banks, credit industry, auto industry, health insurance, and communications, while spying on Americans through the NSA.

It doesn't matter to them that their own party pushes for more government control in American's lives, such as in the case in New York City where the local government passed laws to disallow large sodas, limit salt intake, and push women to breastfeed regardless of their preference.

It doesn't matter to them that the White House is orchestrating a plan to push more diversity by using taxpayer money to send federal government officials into neighborhoods to make sure they are diverse enough, and if not, embark on plans to force multiculturalism into those areas.

It doesn't matter to them that the White House is still trying to force upon the American People environmental policies to save us from global warming, even though the science has been proven to be a hoax, and the planet has been cooling for 16 years.

I could go on, but I think you get the picture. . .

Oh, and just for fun, I went over to the Democrat tent to ask them where the GOP booth was.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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