Monday, October 21, 2013

ObamaCare Sucks For The Pawns

by JASmius

.....and I have zero sympathy for them.  None.

Well, keeds, this is what you get when you think politics is an episode of Total Drama All-Stars and you just HAVE to vote for that big-eared Alejandro because he's so....what?  Cool?  Dreamy?  What's the youth-ish term for "want to order in a large pie at John Holmes Pizza" these days?  Anyway, y'all got what you had coming to you - you got screwed.  And not in a good way.  The bad part is the rest of us felt the Breadstick of Shame right along with you.  Hence my acute absence of pity.

The pity is that Barack Obama is president-for-life, or we might be able to confirm if the well-heeled resilience of the young to learn from their most egregious mistakes is finally and truly dead.  Because if there's one thing of which there is a genuinely endless supply, it's shallow fads.

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