Tuesday, October 22, 2013

O'Reilly Goes THERE

by JASmius

After five years, have the gloves finally come off?

Tonight in his Talking Points Memo FOX News host Bill O'Reilly accused Democrats of pushing communism on America.

Wild, reckless optimist that I am, I have to say the gut feeling I'm getting is that the OCare rollout disaster is turning into a tipping point not for America, but for Barack Obama.  After the dishonest, corrupt, tyrannical lengths to which the Democrats went to foist their infernal dream upon us, on entirely party-line votes, to get to this point, the precipice of the final communization of America, and have it blow up on the veritable launching pad in front of the entire planet, with the big "O" swoosh logo on the side and everything, and then seeing him in full Ron Popeil mode yesterday and devolving even further into whinily begging the GOP not to "root for [OCare's] failure" after he wrote the book on rooting for failure in Iraq - and even using the term "tech surge"! - folks, I think he's starting to come unzipped.

It's like William Butler Yeats wrote:

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold....And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,  Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

....or reborn; for that "rough beast" just might be the United States Constitution, rising, Phoenix-like, from the ashes in which Red Barry tried to bury it - a spectre to leave the dictator "vexed to nightmare" indeed.

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