Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Scourge of Liberalism

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Like so many other words the leftists have dug their claws into, liberalism no longer means what it used to.  At one time in history, people like those behind the founding of this nation were considered to be liberals.  This does not mean folks with the same progressive-style agenda weren't around.  They were just called something else.  Samuel Adams called the concept of the re-distribution of wealth a "scheme of leveling."  Those who called for a strong central government with a single ruler were "monarchists," and believed in "tyranny."

Liberalism, progressivism, collectivism, or whatever else you would want to call it, is nothing new.  The communal system failed in the colonies when it was first tried in the 1600s, and has been a failure in every actual historic application throughout the world, and throughout history.  So, the Founding Fathers steered away from it when creating the new government for the fledgling united states.

The failures of liberalism throughout history include nations that pursued communism, and the ones that have survived have done so in part because they injected some semblance of capitalism into their system, as China has done in recent decades. But even then, with big government policies still largely in place, their growth is reaching a rapid end, and the Chinese are still at risk of collapse in the long run.

Despite the record of failure, those that believe in the liberal left agenda, still swear by it.  They call for collectivism, while hiding the totalitarian nature of their aims, or the similarities they share with socialists and Marxists.  Today's liberal, in complete opposition to the classical nature of the term "liberal," advocate for banishing private property rights, using the government to control the economy, and eliminating standards based in value and law and replacing them with the rule of man through powerful executives and merciless judges.  The liberal leftist wishes to eliminate individualism, and State Sovereignty.  They place the community above the individual, using government regulation to work towards their egalitarian goals.  And all of this is expected to come to pass in the name of the good of the people, when in reality the individuality of the people are discouraged, and a collectivist social construct is encouraged.

The progressive agenda, with its history of failure, must then evolve into a religious fervor that demands no other religion exists.  Theirs is a faith that defies evidence, while pushing to outlaw, or at least silence, religious expression that might place a god above the god of government.  The standards of virtue, in turn, have been discarded.  In the world of statism, there can be no moral set of standards.  Everything is permitted, so that the government also can make up its own rules as it goes along.

Historical failures of liberal left systems are of no concern to these people.  The collapse of government-influenced economies, and entitlement bureaucracies, are of no concern to them.  The example of Europe, collapsing under the weight of the same policies the Democrats push in America, are of no concern.  Rising debt, non-stop recession, high unemployment, and all of the other failures of socialism, does not concern these people.  Their concerns are not what is best for the country, or the system in place. Theirs is purely about money and power, and the misguided belief that they, in their unique wisdom, can for once make liberalism succeed where all other similar systems have failed miserably - even as the math continues not to add up, and the takers slowly outnumber the producers.

As collapse engulfs Europe, the leaders in those countries do not even consider that the socialist policies of entitlement programs are responsible for the economic woes of their nations.  They simply chase more rich people, hoping to tax the wealthy enough to keep the welfare recipients at bay.  Still, the governments can't afford to continue, and those dependent upon the government, even in the face of total societal collapse, riot in the streets demanding their government handouts.

That is how Ronald Reagan defeated the communists of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.  The Soviet Union was unable to persist as a threat because they were needing more and more money to uphold their system of government dependency.  The Russians denied the truth to the end, and Reagan simply upped the ante in military funding until the Soviets ran out of money for weapons, and for food.  They should have seen it coming, but their arrogance in their faith of the socialist system kept them from seeing the truth, and in the end, it all collapsed.

Liberalism is a system of lies, agenda items, and failed policies that must be written down to be remembered.  Conservatism is based on virtue and morals.  Conservatism is in our hearts.  It is who we are, not some ideology that must be kept secret to get people to accept it.
Liberalism has destroyed families because it denies the family unit.  Liberalism has destroyed lives because it rejects self-reliance.  Liberalism has killed unborn babies by the millions, and has filled the prisons with fatherless degenerates that were taught no virtue, and no morals.  Liberal school systems fail, and liberal cities go bankrupt.  Liberal societies fail because they have nothing to strive for, and the cultures become a prison yard where the people merely subsist, given only the minimum needed to survive by the jailers who tell them their mediocre existence is for their own good.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

1 comment:

Arx said...

That's a pretty damned good article. Your definitions are spot-on and your comparisons and assessments are equally with standing.

Well said, hear hear!