Sunday, March 09, 2014

Did Obama Lie His Way To The White House & Is His Election Null & Void?

by JASmus

Answer: Yes and no.

I am an accountant by trade, so I have a basic grounding in business law.  That includes contract law, so I am familiar with what Ms. Pirro is saying here.  And yes, there's no question that the entire Obamidency is one great, big, gigantic, stupendous fraud, from one end to the other since the day he was first sworn in.

But here's the problem with her thesis.  First, I'm going to go way out on a limb here and speculate that Barack Hussein Obama [hmm-hmm-hmm] is not the first successful presidential candidate to employ deception in his rise to the presidency.  The most egregious, absolutely, but not the first.  And there isn't any precedent for removing such presidents from office because by definition their lies would be a "high crime and misdemeanor" that was committed before they took office, rendering them literally unimpeachable.

Second, and more to the point, remember O's number one legacy: amputating power from legal authority.  Even if it was possible to both impeach him and remove him from office, he has amassed more than sufficient power to just chortlingly ignore that whole process and remain in power.  And, of course, any attempt at impeachment would turn the public against the GOP and restore O's popularity to its previous nauseatingly media-driven high levels, and since it would be in way too close a proximity to the midterms, likely hand the House back to the Democrats to boot.

Bottom line: Barack Obama's election (and re-election) was an outrage, a travesty, a mockery of justice, a tragedy, and an onrushing national disaster, but it is not "null & void".  And even if it was, there's little or nothing that can be done about it - aside from fulfilling our duty to history to do all we can to ensure that future Americans (if there are any) know the full truth about what happened and was done to their country in the early twenty-first century in the forlorn hope that it will never be allowed to happen ever again.

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