Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Ex Navy SEAL Christopher Mark Heben: Power Grid "Amazingly Easy To Dismantle"

by JASmius

Who needs an Iranian nuke detonating over Kansas?  We can be back in the stone age with a few well-placed homemade ERP devices and a cell phone.  After all, why should al Qaeda miss out on murdering three hundred million Americans via starvation, exposure, and societal breakdown and civil unrest over the ensuing year?  It's only fair.

Ah, those porous borders.  Never think the "enemy within" in the White House isn't doing his part to bring about America's destruction.  It's the one thing at which he really does genuinely work "tirelessly".

Exit question: Does Heben know Cade Courtley?  And does his part of this come after the disaster?

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