Friday, August 15, 2014

Which Obama Is It Anyway?

by JASmius

Morning Joe and Colonel West are not on the same demidivine page:

Barack Obama has "checked out" of his job and "doesn't want to be there anymore," MSNBC's Joe Scarborough said.

In an interview on the Hugh Hewitt radio show on Friday, the host of "Morning Joe" added that some of the president's closest political allies say he's ready to be an "ex-president."

"I tend to believe based on everything I've heard from people who work inside the White House, and we've got a lot of friends there, and based on my friends who are senior Democratic senators, this president has checked out," Scarborough said. "This man wants to be an ex-president."

I tend to believe, based upon his actions, that his pen and phone strongly indicate otherwise.

Scarborough cited how Obama was on vacation while riots erupted in Ferguson, Missouri, after an unarmed teenager was fatally shot by a police officer and the Islamic State insurgency in Iraq.

"We’re all big supporters of presidents going on vacation. It’s another thing to be in Martha’s Vineyard while you’ve got tanks rolling in Middle America, and all the Middle East melts down," he said.

Sorry, Joe, but remember what God did on the seventh day of creation?  He rested, didn't he?  Why?  Because He saw His creation, and saw that it was good, and it was good.  And that nothing else needed to be done.  The job was finished.

The mission was accomplished, you might say.   

So now Godbama has seen what he has created, and thinks that it is good, and is taking what will become decades of victory laps while still retaining the perqs of the office and the power that he never intends to relinquish.  Ever.

But does that make him an "Islamist"?:

Barack Obama is an Islamist who is intentionally working against the security of the United States, said former Florida-22 Representative Allen West.

"The only plausible explanation for many actions taken by President Obama and his administration is that they are working counter to the security of the United States of America," the retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel wrote in a post on his website on Wednesday.

West cited the president's decision to release five senior Taliban members in the exchange for "Sergeant" Bowe Bergdahl; supplying weapons to support the Egyptian government led by the Muslim Brotherhood; and negotiating with Hamas.

He also criticized Obama's decision to suspend a ban on Libyans attending U.S. flight schools and studying nuclear science, which had been in place since 1983.

"Can anyone explain what the strategy and objective is here in lifting this ban with a nation that is or should be on the terrorist watch list?" West wrote.

"Sorry, but I can only explain this one way: Barack Hussein Obama is an Islamist in his foreign policy perspectives and supports their cause."

It would be more accurate, Colonel, to say that Barack Hussein Obama [mmm-mmm-mmm] is a Marxist-Alinskyist who is making common cause with America's principle enemy of the day, which is, of course, Islamic Fundamentalists, whether ISIS or Hamas or Hezbollah or al Qaeda or the Iranian mullahs.  Thirty years ago, you'd have called him a communist; forty years before that, you'd have called him a Nazi.  The common thread is that Barack Hussein Obama hates America, its allies, and everything they stand for.  And, accordingly, he supports any and every enemy of the United States to the greatest decree militarily, economically, and politically possible.

So, gentlemen, you're both wrong.  The truth is that Barack Obama is an Ameriphobe who wants to, and will, be president forever.  And, in his mind, every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess, above Earth, on Earth, beneath Earth, and every other deity, whether Jehovah, Allah, Buddha, Molech, Ashteroth, Baal, Satan (not to be redundant with the previous six), Apocalypse, Ultron, or the Great Bird Of The Galaxy will submit that Barack Hussein Obama is lord, to the glory of Barack Hussein Obama, worlds without end, hallelujah amen.

If not, he'll tell Moochelle, and then they'll get it.  Hard.

-Hard Starboard Radio
-American Daily Review
-Constitution Radio

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