Monday, September 01, 2014

The New Leader Of The West

by JASmius

British Prime Minister David Cameron is large and in-charge:

While Great Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron cut his vacation short to deal with the Islamic State (ISIS) crisis, President Obama was golfing on Martha's Vineyard.

While Cameron took action, raising Great Britain's terror threat to "severe," Obama told Americans "We don’t have a strategy, yet."

So, while President Obama has spent Labor Day weekend raising money for Democrats, is it any wonder why some lawmakers and political analysts, including Red State's Erick Erickson are asking: "Can we borrow David Cameron?"

Even New York-4 Representative Peter King on Sunday said he wishes "our president was showing the same leadership David Cameron showed."

"What is President Obama waiting for?" King said in an interview Sunday on CBS News' "Face the Nation."

Um, he was waiting for David Cameron to take the mantle of "Leader of the Free World" so O could go to the driving range and hit two or three buckets of balls, Congressman.  Seems pretty obvious to me.

Nobody will ever mistake the British Prime Minister for Winston Churchill or Margaret Thatcher by a long shot - due in no small measure to those two predecessors in 10 Downing Street actually having military capabilities they were willing to use with extreme prejudice when and where necessary, to say nothing of a historic overabundance of dogged eloquence - but Mr. Cameron is being made to look that way in contrast to what sixty-two million bleep-for-brains hoo-has inflicted on America and the world with their votes in 2008 and 2012.  You might say that the leader of the United Kingdom is broaching the threshold of historic, heroic status in the annals of Western statesmanship by the simply expedient of showing up for work and not voting "present," thus saving Barack Obama the trouble of having to do even that much.  That is to say, The One has changed his job description yet again to extirpate "commander-in-chief" from his vocational portfolio.

It wasn't just the Churchill bust O returned to the Brits five years ago, in other words, but everything it stands for as well.

Meanwhile, jihadists in Libya posted a video of a pool party they had at the abandoned U.S. embassy in Tripoli:

Feel free to supply the avalanche of snarky captions even now rumblingly gestating in your cerebellums as we speak.

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