Saturday, November 01, 2014

Charlie Crist's Strip Club Supporter Tied To Rampant Drug Dealing, Prostitution

by JASmius

Sorry Charlie, indeed:

The Florida Republican Party on Friday pounded Charlie Crist, the Democratic candidate challenging Governor Rick Scott in Tuesday's midterm election, over a new report on his alleged ties to the strip club industry.

Crist has come under fire for refusing to return contributions to his political committee from owners of strip clubs, including a $50,000 donation from Joe Rodriguez, who, although his club was closed down 2009 for drug-dealing and prostitution, was allowed to sell it and never lost his business license, Sunshine State News notes.

I do believe that was while Charlie Crist was still Governor of Florida the last time. Hmmm.....

Two other companies that own South Florida strip clubs, J.W. Lee Properties and S.B. Productions, gave Crist $20,000 each.

Sunshine State News also reported Friday three agents from the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco who'd worked on the prostitution and drug investigation all left the agency to work for convicted Ponzi schemer Scott Rothstein's now-defunct law firm, Rothstein Rosenfeldt Adler.

Meanwhile, the women at the shuttered strip club Cheetah weren't even making minimum wage, Sunshine State News noted. [emphases added]

No comment is necessary, is there?  Besides which, it would step all over the punchline:

"Doesn't that bother Charlie Crist that when Rodriguez was busted, he was in the governor's office, he saw the reports of how Rodriguez's strippers lived?" Sunshine State News journalist Nancy Smith writes.

"Can the candidate who makes such big, puffy speeches about a $10.10 minimum wage and the 'Republican war on women' really justify taking $90,000 from strip club operators? Especially these?" [emphasis added]

All together, now: Yes!  He!  Can!

You want a bonus punchline?

Crist refuses to return the ninety grand.

No, wait, sorry, here's the punchline: By my latest projection, the winner of the Florida gubernatorial election on Tuesday will be....Sorry Charlie Crist, 54.8% to Governor Rick Scott's 45.2%.

Guess it pays to rape strippers after all.

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