Saturday, November 01, 2014

Target: American Churches

By Douglas V. Gibbs

A large segment of the liberal left progressive democrats hates Christianity.  The gay agenda hates Christianity.  Islam hates Christianity.  Christianity is a target, because the followers of Christ dare to believe that Jesus Christ is God with us, come to Earth for our salvation from the sins we naturally gravitate towards because of our flawed human nature.  And because we believe as Christians that humanity is flawed and cannot save itself, and that when it comes to morality there are absolutes, the liberal left progressives hate us.

Morality establishes the existence of rights and wrongs, and since the desires and lusts of humanity normally fall within the range of sin, and leftists desire to justify humanity's sinful nature, and remove consequences for immoral activities and actions, they must eliminate any semblance of the idea that there is a right and wrong.  Recognizing good and evil, right and wrong, has become immoral in the eyes of the secularist progressives.  Christians believing that certain behaviors are immoral, or that certain activities are sinful, puts targets on Christians as being haters, bigots, and uncaring in the language of The Left.

The liberal left sees Christians as intellectually inferior, and they see themselves as morally superior. Their Golden Rule is do onto the Christians before they do onto you.  They see Christians as wanting to impose their religiosity on them, so they are using the law to force Christians into their mold, into their own religiosity of secularism.  The liberal left wants to use the force of law to silence their opposition, and force Christianity out of existence.

USA Today, After Muslim Shoots Up Canadian Capitol, Warns of Christian Extremism

City threatens to arrest ministers who refuse to perform same sex weddings

California Orders Churches to Fund Abortions, Or Else

Ten Reasons Why Liberals Hate Christians

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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