Friday, December 26, 2014

Online Gamers Christmas Present of "Denial of Service"

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Sony's problem with hackers extended to more than threats against the movie "The Interview," on Christmas.  PlayStation, Sony's entrance into the gaming world, was hacked on Christmas Day, keeping gamers offline, and forced to spend Christmas with their family.  Around the world the following phrase could be heard in many different languages, "Oh, look who decided to join the festivities."

Along with users of XBox Live, the PlayStation network was taken down by a group called Lizard Squad, a group that also takes credit for gamer frustrations last August when they dropped the PlayStation Network and online games World of Warcraft and League of Legends out of the technology loop for a while.

The cyber-war seems to involve more players than North Korea, and China, it would seem.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

PlayStation Network, Xbox Live offline due to attacks - USA Today

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