Friday, May 29, 2015

If ideologues practiced what they preach

By Allan McNew

Shortly after writing the progressive hymn “Imagine”, the late John Lennon would have given his wealth to the homeless and lived the rest of his resultant humble life on a commune without possessions, money, religion, or anything else to potentially live or die for.

Nancy Pelosi wouldn't be the richest woman in Congress.

Congressman Bernie Sanders would forward 90% of his own income to the IRS.

Congress would be enrolled in Obamacare.

Rich ideologues, who protect their own wealth from taxation and redistribution, wouldn't rant about other rich people and businesses not paying their fair share of taxes.

Activist Michael Moore wouldn't own several homes, Al Gore would be living in a crack infested apartment complex and both would ride the bus everywhere they went.

Hard core environmental activists would reject everything even remotely associated with oil and electricity, thereby living a lifestyle that makes the Amish look recklessly modernistic.

Progressive elites would send their own children to inner city ghetto schools rather than high dollar private schools.

Certain Robber Baron Capitalists wouldn't pose as far left progressives.

The net worth of the majority of federal level progressive politicians wouldn't largely consist of Wall Street investments and real estate holdings.

Progressive politicians wouldn't accept campaign contributions derived by capitalistic means.

Those who oppose corporate welfare for industries they don't like would also oppose corporate welfare for industries they do like.

People who blanket denounce "greedy" corporate investors wouldn't participate in retirement investment programs much less demand high yield.

President Obama's gross income and total wealth would equal the median entry level white collar condition.

Identity politics activists wouldn't become the monsters they claim to fight.

The progressive elite wouldn't demand that their loyal foot soldiers make sacrifices and commit to societal changes they themselves won't do.

And, those who rant about the Koch Brothers would also be calling out George Soros; the Ford Foundation; Tom Steyer; Fred Eychaner; Haim and Cheryl Saban;  Bill Gates; in many ways on the digital society frontier, Face Book tycoon Mark Zuckerburg; and many others.

The reality is all sides are... playing all sides.

Many, very large mainstream corporations we deal with every day are major contributors to far left, high currency flow foundations that fund the majority of far left causes as well as far left politicians. The average politically involved voter in America, whether conservative or liberal minded, have been sold a bill of political goods by both major parties and Big Business Corporate America is a part of it too. Neither progressive elites nor corporate interests would participate in such an unholy marriage if either one were to suffer harm by it, and the Republic elite certainly isn't commenting or acting on it. Then, the total lack of privacy from corporate and political data mining - it has been said that Google knows where you've been, knows where you are, and probably knows what you're thinking. And, if nothing about this paragraph doesn't concern you about potential totalitarianism of any stripe here at home, nothing will.  I fear that the American citizen is in for a real beating.

Allan McNew

Note to Political Pistachio Readers: The preceding article was authored by a friend of mine, Allan McNew, who will likely be contributing to this website soon, joining JASmius, Alex Ferguson, Robert Garding, Emma Bailey, and myself as authors.  Articles will always contain a by-line to help you determine who the author was.

In a note to me about this piece, Allan told me, "I believe that the right of center has taken a beating over the last 45 years or so, and has mostly responded with lame, defensive excuses and retreat. Unquestionably the hypocrisy of the progressive elite needs to be understood by the public in order to gain ground. I added the last paragraph today after realizing the extent to which Democrat and Republican elites, in an unholy alliance with major corporate interests, have sold out every common citizen of the United States.

"If you print this, at this time the only biography that needs to be published is that I'm a blue collar kind of guy writing from the People's Republic of California."

This was largely printed as a letter to the Press Enterprise:

Douglas V. Gibbs

1 comment:

Tom said...

and.... Dennis Hastert wouldn't have paid a male student 3.5 million to avoid being outed.

Imagine that.. Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives... gay. Whoduhthunkit.

I'm feeling a bit better. It's still day to day, but the trend lines are going up.

Oh, and the picture of you on the side bar. Looks good.. honestly. I like the shirt color a lot. The tie could be better, and straightened a bit, but it's up against the collar properly. You've even got some product in your hair. There's fashion hope for you yet, Doug!