Monday, July 06, 2015

#BlackLivesMatter Burns The Flags They Meant To Burn In Tampa

by JASmius

Jazz Shaw seems to be believe that the Tampa chapter of this Black Klan group torched the American flag by mistake at Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park when it was also immolating the Confederate battle flag.  But the news report appears to make it quite clear that they knew precisely what they were doing, and higher-ups were just trying to disingenously spin it:

Surrounded by nearly fifty [extrem]ists, Crystal Wilson steadied a small American flag in one hand, and a lighter in the other.

“The American flag holds as much hatred, as much oppression, as much blood as the Confederate flag,” said Wilson, twenty-five.

She sparked the lighter, guiding the small flame to the red, white and blue cloth. It caught fire, and burned away the flecks of fabric.

Another [extrem]ist raised two smaller flags to the fire, and a third raised a full-sized American flag to the conflagration.

Together, the emblems of freedom withered into tiny black bits on the sidewalk.

I don't know how many Confederate battle flags they carbonized, but four Old Glory's seems to make their point beyond any possibility of mistaking it for an "accident" borne of colorblindness and a lack of pattern-recognition capabilities.

The attempt at damage control - if you can even call it that - was half-heartedly pathetic:

“I’m not sure what message that sent. We just organized the event to make sure people came here and had an outlet to express themselves. We didn’t plan every detail,” said Alekos Zambrano of Raices en Tampa. He organized the protest that brought out dozens.

Uh-huh.  Tell that to the "Uhuruoids":

After burning the American flag, the group found a confederate flag and also burned that. Members of the Uhuru Solidarity Movement spoke to the crowd saying the American flag and the confederate flag are one in the same. Jesse Nevel called the American flag “a piece of shit.” [emphases added]

One Confederate battle flag, FOUR American flags.  There's a better argument to be made that they burned the Confederate flag by accident, really.

Looks like El Rushbo is filling in for me as resident talk radio prophet while I'm attending to family responsibilities.  Isn't that right, Jazz?

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