Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Government Cannot Create

By Douglas V. Gibbs

During the time period surrounding the framing of the United States Constitution, statism was called utopianism, communitarianism, and nationalism.  The redistribution of wealth was called “Schemes of Leveling.”  The early colonies, seeking a communal answer to combat the human trait of selfishness discovered early on that systems using a communal central storage quickly became poisoned by human nature, and hindered by those who refused to “pay their fair share.”
Through researching history, the framers of the Constitution also came to the conclusion that a pure democracy, like communal systems, became a one way ticket to oligarchy – a statist system where a few political elites rule over the citizenry at large.  Under such a system, citizenship and sovereignty are compromised, and the populace becomes mere subjects to the ruling regime.

When the Framers of the United States Constitution debated over the document that would create the federal government in Philadelphia during the Summer of 1787, among the considerations that greatly influenced their decisions was human nature.  The natural tendencies of human beings inspired the Framers of the Constitution to follow Montesquieu's advice about a Separation of Powers, Polybius's call for a mixed constitution, and the Saxon concepts of a division of powers and of Natural Rights.  Human nature guides the way we react, the things we desire, and the realization of the insecurities we possess within us.  Self-reliance and liberty take a lot of work, so we naturally lean towards utopia (statism), seeking a leader to do the things we feel are out of our hands.  But, those same characteristics of human nature can negatively influence political leaders, moving them in a direction towards seeking power and wealth while propping themselves up as the all-knowing ruling elite that must protect freedom by taking freedom away.

Humans crave security, and we know that when left to our own devices without some kind of system to secure the rule of law, our rights are in constant danger.  So, we create government knowing that without government there is no freedom.  The Founding Fathers understood this reality, but also knew that limitations must be placed on government, for the application of too much government historically always limits freedom.

Government cannot Create. Government cannot keep promises.  Government cannot be innovative if centralized and allowed to become powerful.  Government is operated by man, which means that all of the frailties of man, all of the shortcomings of man, and all of the other negative aspects of human nature are a part of government.

Government also does not possess the things that makes us special as individuals.  Government cannot produce as a result of God-given talents or interests.  Government does not have a drive to better itself, or to be personally responsible.  Government does not have the self-interest to improve itself, or the desire to profit from its efforts so as to improve its line of business.  The interests of government, in reality, are at odds with the interests of individualism.

Since government cannot produce, to function it must confiscate.  When government "takes" from society, and reduces what is left of the fruits of individual production, it hinders the production of individuals.  Under the threat of taking more, the producers produce less to guard against losing more.  The end result is a government that betrays the means of production, and ultimately driving whole civilizations into poverty as the leviathan of government takes more and more until eventually, there is nothing left to take; and only misery remains to be given.

Government seeks to take more and more, and the production of individual ingenuity and innovative aspirations are reduced as a result.  And as the wealth of liberty vanishes, the government is left with no other choice than to create perpetual debt in order to continue to operate.  The debt increases as government expands, until there is no more value in the system to take.  Then, still seeking more and more power, government begins to print fiat currency to fund its operations (and to manipulate the economy).  As more money is printed and borrowed, the need to artificially hold up the economy increases.  It becomes a vicious cycle that continuously devours itself in order to survive.  Eventually, as the old saying goes, what goes up must come down.

The reality of collapse is recognized by the power-brokers in government, but the system has become too big.  The progression of the expansion of government is addictive, and impossible to let go of.  Everyone becomes the enemy, even the members of the citizenry.  The government becomes paranoid, and they begin to institute security programs to protect their interests, and their ability to continue to expand.  Eventually, criminal activity among the leadership is considered a necessary step to protecting their power.  The ends justify the means.  The rule of law becomes nothing more than an obstacle, and national security becomes a tool that can be manipulated and milked in order to gain more and more power.  The sickness expands until the population is completely dependent upon government, and the desire to be an individual producer is killed.  Ultimately, bondage is achieved, returning a society to its beginning, when tyranny ruled over it, and a few idealistic revolutionaries were willing to put on the line their lives, fortunes and sacred honor. . . not only for themselves, but especially for their posterity. . . for those not yet born.

The cycle is always the same.  History is our guide.  Tyranny always fails, and kills on its way to its own suicide.  Such is the nature of statism.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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