Friday, June 10, 2016


By Allan McNew
Thoughts on potential racist judicial jihad. . .
A post by Mr. Gibbs struck a chord in me concerning Judge Curial and Donald Trump.
Perhaps as with Mr. Gibbs,  Spanglish has been known to break out in my house, Mexican entertainers such as Vicente Fernandez and other entertainers along with the old time Mexican movies have appeared on my TV, much of the stuff around my house has been referred to by some sort of Spanish word or Mexican derived slang...
The first time I worked with Mexicans (from Mexico) and for several years after was 42 years ago, and have largely worked with descendants of Mexicans since - more recently Mexicans again as well as some Guatemalans, until 2 1/2 years ago.
I have met all sorts of different people with all sorts of different ways of thinking, among them some who won't go to Mexico because they get treated like crap there due to having grown up in the United States, but consider themselves to be Mexican rather than American. None of them has told me why (I never asked), but I assume it's a racial consciousness - brown is "Mexican" and white is "American" according to that way of thinking. I have even met people born as Mexican nationals who hate Mexico, even though that sentiment is extremely rare.
However, there are a bazillion of "Latino advocacy" groups with "Hermandad" and "Raza" as part of their name, as well as a plethora of other like groups with other names. They might not always like one another, but they pretty much all engage in  race baiting, victimization pimping and a notion of ethnic nationalism, and any dirty means justifies the intended ends. The main difference of motivation and substance between the brown racial groups and white supremacist groups is skin color and the fact that brown racism is explained away as cultural pride while the notion that only whites are capable of racist motivation has been pounded into the population.
[Clumsily inserted here - to understand current brown racist agenda it helps to study founders Jose Angel Gutierrez, Corky Gonzalez and Reies Tijerina as well as Cesar Chavez. While in communication, Chavez was sort of off to the side preoccupied with his own UFW thing. As with everything else, the facts about things going down then and evolved Chicano legend now can be different things. These four often had serious disagreements between them with different priorities and styles, as well as ego issues that kept them from working together as they had attempted]
I have a scad of books written by Latino activists and ethnic studies professors. I don't have any in front of me as I write this, and it's been a while since I read any of them. However to the best of my recollection...
"The making of a Chicano militant" by Jose Angel Gutierrez, a personal take on his political takeover of local governments in Texas. It has to do with gaining power in order to establish a politically separate Aztlan, or something very much like it. Part of it has to do with gaining coercive power, such as police powers to back ethnic- nationalist authority and favorable judicial decisions to be wrought from occupying the bench. While I don't recall that the power to prosecute (or not) was specifically mentioned, It would be a part of exercising political power. I believe Gutierrez used the words "Mexican", "Mexicano" and "Chicano" interchangeably to a certain extent.
"The Cristal experiment" by UC Riverside ethnics studies professor Armando Navarro. This work seems to be an astonishingly honest attempt at documenting history rather than dispensing propaganda, which is all the more amazing due to Navarro's rabid racial outlook. However, he uses "Mexicano" quite a bit as a racial rather than national reference,  "white" is for sympathetic whites and "gabachos" are whites who aren't sympathetic to the cause. One can well imagine there are a lot more of the latter than the former due to any yard stick.
"Anything but Mexican",  by CSU Northridge Ethnic studies professor "Rudy" Rodolfo Acuna. I recall it's mostly a butt hurt rant about California's Proposition 13, that more property taxes can't be wrung out of whites who bought houses a long time ago to be redistributed to Latinos.
 "Roots of Latino Politics from 1600 to 1940 by UCLA ethnic studies professor Juan Gomez-Quinones.
Nazi propaganda minister Joesph Goebbles would have been proud to write this steaming pile of racial feces. A critical review I wrote some time ago under a pseudonym at the Amazon page for the book:
"It seems the goal of the book is to foment racial enmity in Latino college students. It is preoccupied with the word "mestizo": mestizo this, mestizo that, mestizo the other along with "(confirmed) mestizo hater".
The book is full of half truths, 1/4 truths, insinuations and unsupported statements concerning people over the centuries from all races and racial mixtures of all nationalities (colonial and independent) from south of present Canada to north of present Guatemala.
A good history would strive to set bias aside, not build a far side "perspective" derived from racial politics which is misrepresented as unvarnished fact."
"Chicano Politics: Reality and Promise", 1940-1990 by Juan Gomez-Quinones, is much different in tone than his immediately above book. In this book he uses the word "Mexicano" to describe anyone and everyone with a brown skin and Spanish last name, and calls the Rio Grande by its Mexican name "Rio Bravo". My biggest impression of the book is the shear number and diversity of socialist and communist organizations which tried to infiltrate Raza groups, and just how much influence socialism and communism did and does have on them.
"They called me King Tiger" by Reies Tijerina, a nearly incoherent rant about racism, read one random page from anywhere in the book and chances are you will have read almost every other page in the book, with only changes in time and place which give no relief to endlessly repetitive theme.
"Crusade for Justice" by Ernesto Vigil. I don't remember a lot of specifics, but Gonzalez became involved with translated, Mexican derived literature which he interpreted things like the racially themed essay "The Cosmic Race" by Mexican intellectual - educator - ideologue Jose Vasconcelos from an American born perspective . Gonzalez couldn't construct a single word in Spanish, according to Jose Angel Gutierrez. I can't say for sure, and I don't recall that it was mentioned in the book, but I believe the Plan of Aztlan came out Corky's bunch in Denver.
My collection includes a book by a "Latina", name of book and author not recalled. It has the usual inventive blather misrepresented as "Chicano History", with race obsession, victimization pimping, invention of heroes, and very tall stories indeed. One of the stories which stood out to me is the tale about "Mexicans herding cattle in Oregon", didn't happen as the Russians and later the English possessed / occupied the northern territory. The Californios (who more self identified as Spanish rather than Mexican) mostly occupied the coast of California from San Diego up to not far north of San Francisco and probably didn't number more than 4000 according to an estimate by Californio eyewitness Antonio Maria Osio, author of  "La Historia de Alta California," which I also have.
There's more, but this is the general theme.
As I have before stated, I haven't personally investigated Judge Curial presiding over Trump's case concerning Trump University and I don't know the judge's capacity to rise above personal prejudices in order to impartially conduct his proceedings. However, if the Judge has been involved with any sort of the above ideology, he will wage an ideological jihad against Trump in any manner he can get away with and the media will run with whatever the judge throws their way. There is no such thing as blind justice in those sorts of cases.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary 


Dieselboy said...

I stopped reading when I saw the term “butt-hurt”. Homophobes and bros don’t get any credibility points.

Anonymous said...

butt hurt refers to adults suffering disper rash