Sunday, July 31, 2022

Chino Constitution Class: Supremacy Clause


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Chino Constitution Class

Monday Evening, 6:00 pm, 

Archibald's, 15421 Fairfield Ranch Rd in Chino Hills (right off Central and the 71 Freeway)

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Newsom into Presidency without a vote scenario?

By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

Video that has gone viral poses an interesting question...

Flaw to the Gavin Newsom could become president without a vote being cast scenario: The President of the United States doesn't just "appoint" a new vice president.  As per Amendment 25 the nomination by a President must be confirmed by both Houses of the United States Congress.  Without a V.P. the Democrats do not have enough votes in the Senate to get someone like Newsom in that spot.  The vote would likely end in a deadlock tie.  There have been a number in times in history where the V.P. spot remained empty.  In the case that the Presidency is vacant and there is no V.P. to take that spot, the constitutional authority to choose someone to act as President would devolve to the House of Representatives, one vote per State based on the original Article II provisions.  That said, one might argue that there is no specific language on how the presidency would be filled if we were to lose the President without a V.P. in place other than that vacancies that devolve upon the House would be filled by the House of Representatives "per state" vote.  The debate would then revolve around if that scenario "devolves" to the House of Representatives as provided in Article II.  With both Presidential and Vice Presidential seats empty some of whom I have conferred with have postulated that the line of succession would then kick into play, which could put Speaker Nancy Pelosi into the presidency.  I still believe that the scenario would require the House of Representatives to fill the U.S. President vacancy, but if a majority of the cockroaches in Washington fall into the "line of succession" argument, Pelosi as President would then be a very likely scenario...that's if she is still Speaker of the House at the time such a scenario was able to work its way into the American political game.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Federal Authorities regarding Domestic Lands

By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

my answer to a recent email....


Can the federal government own/ lease land and define how the land is used?

Article 1, Section 8, they may purchase (not lease) if by the consent of the State's legislature, and for the purpose of needful buildings which typically are facilities related to military or foreign trade.

Can the federal government take land from states and make them federal parks?

No.  Unconstitutional.  As previously stated, Article I, Section 8 requires all federal lands to either be created by constitutional means (i.e. Washington D.C.) or by the purchase, with the consent of the State legislature, for the purpose of needful buildings (buildings that enable the federal government to carry out constitutionally authorized powers).

Could the states challenge this authority and take back their land?

Yes.  Kick them out and nullify any federal claims that are unconstitutional.  The problem is, we have a federal government that thinks it is a national government and that it can push the States around any way it wants.

Really want to understand if the government can legislate how land is used by states?

No, they cannot.  State land usage is only a State concern. 

Douglas V. Gibbs

Friday, July 29, 2022

The Problem with the Journey to Constitution Restoration

By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

Good News: Americans are Demanding a return to the original principles of the United States Constitution.

Bad News: We really seem to have no idea how to do it.

In the image here's the plan presented:
1. No bill is to exceed 10 pages.
2. All bills are to be accompanied by the Constitutional Article authorizing said bill.
3. No content in the bill that does not pertain to the title of the bill.
4. All bills are to be written in laymen's terms and posted online for seven days prior to the introduction on the floor.
5. All bills requiring expenditures must disclose total costs, how the bill will be funded, who the beneficiaries are, who will pay, and a sunset date.

Let's go over this plan.

1. No bill is to exceed 10 pages. Very Jeffersonian. "It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood."  But, there are bills, unfortunately, to make sure all legal barriers are tended to, and all legal challenges are provided a protection regarding, that must be in excess of ten pages.  The desire behind the demand is valid, but the demand as presented is undoable.

2. All bills are to be accompanied by the Constitutional Article authorizing said bill.  The problem is that the top two constitutionality claims by those who propose bills is the Commerce Clause or the General Welfare Clause, both of which have been greatly misinterpreted and misapplied.  Before we get them to claim constitutionality, we better make sure their understanding of constitutionality is accurate in the first place.  A valid demand, but it requires educational upheaval regarding the Constitution, first.

3. No content in the bill that does not pertain to the title of the bill.  Valid, even though it would be sliced and diced by the lawyers in office, but a very valid demand.  And the title and summary not really being what a bill or proposal is about is not just a congressional word magic game played at the federal level, it happens at the State and local levels, as well.  I suppose another way of putting it is that we simply want truth in advertising when it comes to the proposals.  No more, "Save the Children Act" for heavier regulations regarding _______________ (fill in the blank) that government bodies have no authority to be messing with in the first place.  Valid, and it may be enforceable.  But, we would need a constitutional amendment, and there's no way Congress would propose that amendment, hence, the need for an Article V. Convention.

4. All bills are to be written in laymen's terms and posted online for seven days prior to the introduction on the floor.  Laymen's terms?  That alone is an item that can be debated for years.  Would not the definition of "laymen's terms" be relative?  The level of understanding among the various citizens of the United States varies, does it not?  I get it, we are tired of legalese, but I don't know if this one quite does the job as a demand.  As for posting, they are posted and available for a while before they reach the floor for a vote while they are working their way through the committees.  As for being available to be looked at prior to introduction on the floor, bills begin as a file, and are online and available typically for a while before completely in full form and ready for introduction to the floor.  Remember, bills begin as files, and in most cases files are published before become a full-fledged bill.

5. All bills requiring expenditures must disclose total costs, how the bill will be funded, who the beneficiaries are, who will pay, and a sunset date.  Again, while a valid demand, the word magic is easy to perform.  Interestingly, the Constitution demands transparency, but they ignore that.  The question is not what they need to be doing, it is figuring out how to make it come to be.  As for how something is to be funded, should we not first get back to the beginning and make sure the request is constitutional in the first place?  Do that, and #5 is not necessary.

The image of the sign on the back of the red truck is a good one, thank you to the emailer who sent it, but our situation cannot be resolved by a simple list of five items.  Before anything will work properly the first steps are:
  • A full understanding of original constitutional principles.
  • Adherence to the enumeration doctrine.
  • A return of the various mechanisms that make us a republic (largely, State Legislature oversight over the operations of the federal government).
The last one would begin with repealing the Federal Reserve Act, and the 16th and 17th Amendments.  Until those things happen, nothing else will follow.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Tonight: Sovereign National, Citizenship, and if the U.S. is a Corporation...

Douglas V. Gibbs, Mr. Constitution, will be on "The World Is Awake" today, 8pm Pacific/11pm Eastern.

Doug will be participating in a debate regarding the term "citizen" (it's meaning, and whether or not the 14th Amendment tarnished, created, or clarified what citizen truly means), what it is to be a Sovereign National and if becoming a sovereign is a legitimate tactic in the Freedom Movement, the Organic Acts of 1801 and 1871 so as to reveal whether the United States is a Corporation as per the incorporation of Washington D.C., and if people can erect their own sovereign entity within the boundaries of an existing entity.  If the conspiracy theorists are correct then we are simply employees of a corporate faction who must sell ourselves away from slavery by stripping ourselves of anything and everything that makes us a part of the United States (or perhaps I should write THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA).  

Or, could it be that the very foundation of the sovereignty movement and the corporation theory is flawed?  Even worse, could it be that the movement that many of our friends, family and neighbors are chasing through State Assemblies and Sovereign National organizations is a PsyOp by the enemy?  Doug has repeatedly argued against the theory that the Organic Acts of 1801 and 1871 made the United States (via the incorporation of Washington D.C.) a corporation and that as citizens we are nothing more than employees locked into doing the bidding of the elitist corporation owners.

Doug has been asked to debate the topic with those who would believe otherwise, and has accepted.  The debate will occur on The World Is Awake on July 29 at 8pm Pacific.

 8pm Pacific/11pm Eastern on July 29 on your The World is Awake show

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Thursday, July 28, 2022

Thursday Constitution Classes: Beaumont, Carlsbad

10:00 am

Beaumont Constitution Class

6:00 pm

Carlsbad Constitution Class

Beaumont Constitution Class


10:00 am, Thursdays

Carlsbad Constitution Class

Health From Within Family Wellness Center

1818 Marron Rd., #103

Carlsbad, CA 92008

6:00 pm, Thursdays

This class is also available on Zoom,

We will be continuing through Article II, Section 2 this week.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Tuesday Constitution Classes

Note special location for Fallbrook Class This Week!

Tuesday Constitution Classes

11:00 AM


3:00 PM


6:00 PM

San Juan Capistrano

This week we continue through Article I, Section 9 (Federal Prohibitions).

The Fallbrook Constitution Class typically meets on Tuesday Mornings, 11:00 AM, at the Emmanuel Baptist Church, 911 E. Elder Street in Fallbrook.  However, this week is Vacation Bible School at the church, so we will be at the Fallbrook Public Library, 124 S Mission Rd.  Since they don't open until noon we will be entering via the patio entrance.

Patriot Streetfighter Online Mr. Constitution Class: we air weekly live on YouTube, with a chatroom, or you can listen any time later. This week continue to tackle the  Amendments 9-10.

This week's discussion begins with elections. Lesson Two, Legislative Powers (Article I, Section 4, Elections).

Tuesday Night, 6:00 pm, Bravos California Fresh at 31722 Rancho Viejo Road in San Juan Capistrano in the outdoor patio area.

Learn about all of the classes at:

Chino Constitution Class: Amendments (and an Article V. Convention)


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Chino Constitution Class

Monday Evening, 6:00 pm, 

Archibald's, 15421 Fairfield Ranch Rd in Chino Hills (right off Central and the 71 Freeway)

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Constitution Radio: The Ol' Switcheroo

Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs

Saturdays, 1:00 - 3:00 pm Pacific Time

KMET 1490-AM (

KMET Show Page

Doug's Show Page

2022 Podcast Page

Classic Podcast Page on SoundCloud (for pre-2022 episodes)

Call in Live during the Program!


Topics on Today's program:

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Thursday Constitution Classes: Beaumont, Carlsbad

10:00 am

Beaumont Constitution Class

6:00 pm

Carlsbad Constitution Class

Beaumont Constitution Class


10:00 am, Thursdays

Article III, Judicial Branch

Let's talk about the court system

Remember, after class, if you want to have lunch to discuss anything, you are welcome to join us.

Carlsbad Constitution Class

Health From Within Family Wellness Center

1818 Marron Rd., #103

Carlsbad, CA 92008

6:00 pm, Thursdays

This class is also available on Zoom,

We will be continuing through Article II, Section 2 this week.

Murrieta Constitution Class: Enumerated Powers

MrConst_Video Graphic_No Background.png

6:00 pm. Wednesday Evening. Siggys Restaurant

26820 Jefferson Ave.


Article I, Section 8

Lesson 3

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Tuesday Constitution Classes This Week: Fallbrook, Online, San Juan Capistrano

Tuesday Constitution Classes

11:00 AM


3:00 PM


6:00 PM

San Juan Capistrano

This week we begin going through Article I, Section 9 (Federal Prohibitions).

The Fallbrook Constitution Class meets on Tuesday Mornings, 11:00 AM, at the Emmanuel Baptist Church, 911 E. Elder Street in Fallbrook.

Patriot Streetfighter Online Mr. Constitution Class: we air weekly live on YouTube, with a chatroom, or you can listen any time later. This week continue to tackle the Legal Amendments, Amendments 4-8with Amendments 6, 7, & 8 remaining.

This week's discussion about the legislative branch will get into their procedures, rules, and compensation. Lesson Two, Legislative Powers.

Tuesday Night, 6:00 pm, Bravos California Fresh at 31722 Rancho Viejo Road in San Juan Capistrano in the outdoor patio area.

Learn about all of the classes at: