Thursday, June 15, 2006

Population Control

In the late 60s and throughout the 70s there grew a concern about population. Too many people can kill the planet, they thought. "The Population Bomb" by Dr. Paul Ehrlich indicated that disasters were on the horizon that would kill millions. Controlling the population became a priority. The belief the world was suffering from a population explosion became a widespread belief.

This is why people who believe in big government thinks what individuals produce belongs to the state. But the problem is, population explosions are a fraud. It is basically a way to control the people.

According to The Unseen Hand by A. Ralph Epperson, the global powers wish to cut the population. They will claim their reason is benevolent. It will be preached that the population growth will need to be slowed down, and people will need to be allowed to die when they no longer benefit society, to help the survival of civilization, and the planet. Reducing the world population by more than half will be necesary, they will tell you, to allow agriculture to keep up, othewise, there won't be enough food. Pollution, and other evironemental issues will also be referenced as a reason to slow down the population growth. They will claim that if we don't control the population there won't be enough water to drink, or maybe even such a large population will cause other environmental disasters with disease, temperature, air - or not cutting population could cause more war.

Humans have been determined to be detrimental to the planet. We are a disease. A parasite. Science Fiction has already forseen this kind of worldview. The United Nations, and globalists, cry for increasing birth control and abortion to help slow the growth of populations, and I wouldn't be surprised if the need to slow population will eventually become headlines.

The United Nations World Population Conference calls for a new economic order to control world poverty, and more equally redistribute the world's resources.

Marxism, Karl Marx in his 1875 Critique of the Gotha Program: "From each according to its ability, to each according to its needs."

The only way to bring this about is to destroy the worldwide economy, and to come up with an excuse to eliminate population, or at least slow down population. Such a worldwide problem would also give the government excuse to control the people. This is why a lot of people are accusing George W. Bush of wanted to implement martial law. Something like the avian flu would be a perfect excuse for such control over the people, but though Bush is a globalist, I don't think he is capable of that kind of tyranny.

Believe me, however, that a one world government will be necessary for the biblical end times to take place, so the world is positioning itself for such a shift. Someone, many believe in Europe, will arise with a kind of charisma that will cause blind support. People will chant his name, and see him as the great unifying hope of the world. And he will use whatever means necessary to bring about global governance, while trying to place under control all who oppose him. Environmentalism, Economics, and a search for peace and safety will be his tools. A one world government his goal. Crisis his hope - because crisis on a worldwide scale will give such a leader the excuse to take control globally, and lock away those who oppose him.

Population control will be one of his priorities. Abortion will become easier, perhaps even funded by the state. Birth control, though I see it as useful when used within reason, will be encouraged for the sole reason of slowing down population growth. Then, when the Rapture occurs, there will be a rejoicing by these people, because the drop in population will be what they had been wanting all along - if some disease or environmental calamity doesn't do the job first.

Some may call such a person the anti-Christ, and the anti-Christ will be exactly as described. But is it possible for others to rise first, as previews, to prepare the world for globalism and the loss of population from the Rapture?

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