Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The presence of WMD's in Iraq

Speaking to a liberal friend (hey, aside from his politics, he's a nice guy-- Besides, I have a new-age liberal cousin that would blow him out of the water with liberal idiocy) it seems those people (the liberal-minded, Bush hating wackoes) are still screaming "Bush lied to us. There were no WMD's. We have no business in Iraq because Bush lied to us."

Did Bush lie to you?

As I have stated before, when it comes to unreasonable dictators like Saddam, just because you don't find something doesn't mean it didn't exist. But here's the thing - on a number of occasions weapons of mass destruction were found (or used by Iraq) but in an attempt to support their "Bush lied" argument, the liberal media conveniently decided that the WMD in question was in fact not a WMD.


When Saddam Hussein wanted to kill thousands of Kurds, he carpet-bombed them with chemical weapons.

"Oh, but the Kurds were traitors to Iraq," my friend cried out. "Besides, those weren't technically weapons of mass destruction."

You know, if we found WMD's that the liberals were willing to accept as being WMD's, you know they'd accuse Bush of planting them.

Liberals tend to base their opinions on a fantasy world where facts have no bearing. Just ask Michael Moore.

Hannity and Colmes stated that WMD's were found in their episode with Rep. Hoekstra. See it
  • HERE

  • And of course Colmes argues, first, the weapons were degraded, and second, they weren't the WMD's we went to war over.

    Has everyone forgotten the tons of natural and enriched unranium we found? Howabout the roadside bomb loaded with sarin gas near a U.S. military convoy in 2004?

    The book, DISINFORMATION by Richard Miniter indicates that the items listed above, as well as 1,500 gallons of chemical weapons, 1,000 radioactive materials (ideal for radioactive dirty bombs), and 17 chemical warheads (some containing cyclosarin, a nerve agent five times more powerful than sarin) were also found.

    On Hotair.com I found a list that reads like this:

    5,000 sarin-filled 122mm rockets
    44,500 liters of GB/GF
    120 liters of GB
    5,000 liters of D4
    1,100 liters of dichlorethane
    16.5 tones of thiodiglycol
    5.5 tons of mustard agent (an agent used often by Saddam, even in the presence of our troops)

    And also, remember Dick Cheney stating that we had satellite photos showing convoys of trucks heading to Syria.

    Must a WMD be detonated on top of a New York Times journalist for them to recognize the presence of the weapons?

    How obvious is obvious?

    Even if the above numbers are not completely accurate, the presence of the weapons are (and have been) undeniable.

    Senator Rick Santorum, R-Pa stated a couple weeks ago, "Since 2003, coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard and sarin nerve agent. . ."

    I don't know what else to say. Perhaps, as Anne Coulter said, the New York Times building needs to be hit before they realize that Iraq is a just war, terrorists have weapons of mass destruction, and you can't reason with the unreasonable.


    1 comment:

    1. I don't think you can win an argument with a liberal unless you start it by the phrase "I hate America too, but" if you begin that way you might have a chance.
      Freakin idiots, however if something happened to the NYT building would that really bad that bad?
