Sunday, July 30, 2006

Ruthless, cynical and cruel enemy.

Israel struck a building containing civilians, 37 of which are children, and even though they provided film footage proving that the enemy was firing rockets at Israel from beside this building, they are under immense attack by the liberal media.

Hezbollah, and Hamas, are terrorist groups. They don't play by the rules. They don't wear uniforms, and they use non-combatants as shields.

Qana is a hub for Hezbollah, and Israel asked the citizens to leave the area. Hezbollah made the people stay. The terrorists wanted this to happen. The terrorists designed it to happen. Islamic Terrorists are willing to sacrifice innocents to further their cause. Israel must attack the areas of Hezbollah activity. They must not stop until Hezbollah is destroyed, and unable to continue to attack Israel. Disarmament is not good enough. The enemy must be completely disabled.

My post indicating that "Radical Islamism is a bigger threat than Nazism" was also posted on a Forum I am a member of called Absolute Write. I was met with angry responses, one indicating that I would be best dressed in a straight jacket. These people of this forum accused me of being inflamatory against the poor, poor Muslim people.

Some of their responses included:

"Extremists of any flavor are dangerous. Including homegrown American ones. Probably especially those."

"...terrorist acts through history, carefully noting the overwhelming number of them committed by "homegrown american" terrorists. My god, when will the world wake up and just wipe us off the map?"

"...your ability to reduce ordinary ambivalence regarding enormously complex issues to so much frothing far-right bullsh*t never fails to completely amaze me."

"Best dial down the inflammatory rhetoric, or take it somewhere else."

"...your political ideology is seedy..."

Of course there was a couple (two to be exact) posters that defended me, and I appreciate them, but the response made me want to abandon my membership in that forum. However, I'm staying for the same reason that Kevin McCullough chose to air his conservative radio shows in Blue States. Take the fight to the liberals, and maybe some of it will stick.

The protesters attacking the UN building brought chills. The Venezuelan leader who is aligned with Castro is visiting Iran. Iran and Syria are the driving force behind this. Nobody is getting up and saying that it is Hezbollah, and in turn, Iran and Syria and all of radical Islamism, that caused those children to be killed in Qana. They are so busy trying to undermine the U.S. Government and our troops and anything that resembles support for Israel that they can't see the truth.

The Islamic Terrorists must be completely stopped. If they are not, Israel's existence is at risk, as is America's. That is the cold, hard truth.


  1. Very true, On another point, why would we have to negotiate a cease fire with Hezbollah?? Isn't that kind of like the Mexican Government negotiating with the MS-13 street gang?
    When Hezbollah and Al-queda are a country then we can talk, until then screw em and eliminate them, and any country harboring them. PERIOD. by any means necessary.

  2. well said bushwack...israel should only talk with the legitimate government of lebanon not a terrorist organisation.

  3. Israel knows, unlike the liberal American press, that you can't negotiate with terrorists. Only taking the fight to them works, and forget about any cease fire, that's just a chance for the terrorists to think of new tactics. They must be disarmed and dismembered.

  4. And Bushwack knocks it out of the park. Spot on.

  5. The responses you received, although pathetic, are not surprising. Once again, liberals make their decisions based on emotion, and whatever CNN tells them to think.

  6. It amazes me how these people are not able to think for themselves, and are perfectly happy letting the liberal media think for them.
